Afton (night 3 part 2)

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"Shadow, darling... It's only been two years! Do you seriously not remember your own father? I told you that I'd come back. I always do..." A tall, dark purple figure stepped into the small room, still not completely visible as it was blocking most of the light.

"V-Vincent?" Her voice cracked, as though she was about to cry. Footsteps echoed around the pizzeria, obviously from the group who had decided to slowly make their way away from the office.

"Oh, I've not been called that in a very, very, long time. Shadow, darling! Your friends cant help you! Chances are, they wont believe that you saw me! After all, you have been paranoid about me coming back since the day you found out..." The smile on his face could practically be heard through his voice and a twisted smile spread over his pale, almost lilac features. "What I did."

"Why? Why did you do..." Shad seemed at a loss for words, "Anything? You ruined my life and didn't even try to help about anything!" Her voice was trembling, she was shaking and on the verge of tears.

"Goodbye, Shadow... I will come back." He smiled and turned, "I always do." He repeated. And with that, he vanished.

No footsteps.

No echoes.

No nothing.


Fear and adrenaline rushed through her as Shadow grabbed her phone, flicking the flashlight on, before searching through the pizzeria. It wasn't the creepy, dangerous, 'hide for your life' feeling that she had experienced the first night. No, it was a creepy 'altered reality' feeling. She couldn't sense that there was any immediate danger. It was just... eerie.

There was just... Nothing.

The animatronics weren't where they should be. None of them were. There was no sign of Vincent. No sign of any life.

The vibration of her phone startled her, causing Shadow to give a quick yelp as she looked at it again. Gold was calling her, so she quickly answered it.

"Hi, Shad, sorry we kinda disappeared. Come to the stage... please?"

"Wait... Where are you?"

"Just... come to the stage. Where are you now?"

"Uh... I'm at the kitchen, I think... Yeah, I'm at the kitchen." The bright beam swept across the wall, revealing a door with the word 'Kitchen' carved on.

"Okay, just, please come to the stage, Shad." And without another word, he ended the call.

She ran towards the main hall, towards the stage. Nothing. There was an empty stage, and an empty hall. Without a second thought, she sat on the corner of a table, waiting for her friends to show up.

It seemed like hours, but it was probably only seconds, minutes at most. A quiet scraping sound came from behind the curtain of the stage. Shadow cautiously wandered over to see a few of the wooden boards had been moved to show a gap in the stage, leading to a small flight of stairs and another room.

Without warning, a flash of yellow and white lunged at Shad, pinning her to the floor.

"What did you do to..! Shadow?" It was Chica, who seemed full of rage and surprise.

"Chica! Come back!" Foxy was the next to appear from the large gap in the floorboards. "Wait... Shadow? Shad I'm sorry! Chica thinks she saw Vincent and it took all four of us guys to stop her from going after him! And then she got out..."

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'THOUGHT SHE SAW?! I SAW VINCENT, WILLIAM... WHATEVER THE IDIOTS NAME IS!" Chica yelled, causing the others to take this as an 'all clear' sign, as they all emerged from the floor.

"Chica, please! Calm down! Yes, Vincent was here... But then he just... Vanished? I don't know myself..."

"Come on, just calm down. We need to stay alert and just... try to keep everyone together and safe."

"Foxy, I"

"Shut it, other Fazbear! Sly fox has a point and this time, you cant deny it." Bonnie went and hit Gold, who fell to the floor with a loud thud, before turning back to Foxy and smiling. Foxy looked like he could kill something.

"Sly fox?"

"You deserve it." Bonnie smiled sarcastically.

"I'll remember that, Bunny Boy."

"Ladies, Ladies! Calm down!" Freddy yelled.

"SHUT IT, OTHER FAZBEAR!" Bonnie and Foxy yelled, at a near deafening volume.

"Which of us is 'Other Fazbear, cause I didnt say anything that time?" Gold lifted his hand in the air as he asked the question, before dropping his hand and sighing, still laid face-down on the floor.

"Geez, guys. At least you agree on something?" Shadow went over and stood between Bonnie and Foxy, "Nothing was going to happen here... was it?"


"Good. Lets go! Gold... Get up. "


They walked through the pizzeria, half hoping to come across Vincent, half hoping to never see him again.

Panic and dread filled Shadow's mind as they drew closer to the office. Vincent's words raced around her mind, "I will come back... I always do..." Always... No escape.
It wasn't what he'd said that scared her... It was the way he said it that haunted her.

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