House Rules (& night 3 part 1)

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10:00 pm.

The alarm went off just after she had crawled out of bed, had a shower and began getting dressed in the dark purple uniform. She flicked it off and brushed her hair through, not bothering to do anything else with it. Shadow stumbled downstairs to see Bonnie with a guitar, Chica and Gold asleep and Foxy and Freddy arguing how ripe bananas should be when they are eaten.

"Er... Hello?" She yelled at the group, causing the arguing to cease, Chica to fall off one of the sofas in surprise and Bonnie to drop the sheets of music he had. As for Gold, he stayed asleep...

"Evening?" Freddy seemed confused by how he should respond at twenty past ten at night, before going and poking his brother awake.

"Anyway... Earlier I said we need some rules! And I wasn't kidding..." She said in a matter-of-fact tone that slowly dragged out, slightly annoyed...

"Okay... What are the rules?" Chica jumped off the floor and helped Bonnie pick up and organise the pieces of paper that were now scattered everywhere.

"Well, we're going to sit at the table, like civilised people, and make a list of rules. The list will then be put...on... uh..." She began looking around the house for a suitable place, "The fridge or cupboard. Break the rules, and you will be given a punishment. All right, lets sit down and think of a few..." She grabbed a piece of paper and a pen, before sitting down. The others sat around her.

"Okay, any suggestions?"

"No killing stuff!" Bonnie yelled, jumping up as though it was the best rule ever.

"Uh... I think, I mean, correct me if I'm wrong but, I, funnily enough, am led to believe that one goes without saying, really..." Chica said, slowly, as if deep in thought.


"No... Uh... If you break something, you have to fix slash pay for it yourself?"

"Good idea, Gold." Shad looked at Bonnie, who was now acting like a three year old who had just been told that he couldn't have any more candy that day.

"Don't take stuff from other peoples rooms, Chica!" Foxy looked at the smallest of the group, who was now staring back at him with the same devilish glare.

"Uh, 'scuse you Foxy, those pens were rightfully mine!"

"Yeah right!"

"Calm it down! I'll buy more pens at the weekend, but good rule anyway... Modified to no entering other's rooms without permission Freddy and Gold, ypu need to agree about your room, seen as you have the only shared room. Sort it out between the two of you... Just to prevent arguments. Any more for any more?"

The list continued, the rules eventually getting more and more bizarre as the time ticked closer to 11:20 pm. They eventually packed up and decided to walk to the pizzeria.

"Let's Go!"

The group set off down the path, towards the pizzeria. Four of them were jumping around like small, excited children, Gold was half asleep (still) and Shadow seemed generally annoyed.

"Hurry up Gold... I don't want to have to run and leave you, 'cause at the minute, you're all acting like kids..."

"Well Sorry... I mean, we are like, 12? Maybe 13?"

"So am I, and you got the most sleep today, so hurry up."

"I got a question..."

"What..? Ask me and keep up! Geez..."

"How did you run so fast yesterday? Like, when Foxy told you about the phone, you ran probably twice as fast as any of the rest of us!" They had almost caught up to the others, who were now waiting to cross a road with never-ending traffic.

"Yeah... How did you run so fast?" Bonnie was now staring at her as if she would disappear if he looked away.

"Uh, I have done track since I was six, I guess? I didn't think I ran very fast last night though..."

"Well, put it this way, lass. You ran way faster than any of us could, and that's saying something!" Foxy added, before the group crossed the busy road and continued towards the pizzeria.

The tall silhouette of the building loomed overhead as Shadow took a set of keys from her pocket and unlocking the heavy glass doors, letting everyone in and locking them again.

"Okay, I'm gonna stay in the office for the call, then if you decide to go wandering, I'll come find you." She headed off towards the back of the establishment and dumped her bags on the floor, a bell chiming midnight in the distance.

"Okay, Phone Guy, lets see what you have in store for us today..."

As usual, the phone rang and she lifted it to her ear, holding it in place with her shoulder and flicking through the cameras.

"Uh, Hello, Hello? Hey you're doing great! Most people dont last this long. I mean, you know, they usually move onto other things by now. I'm not implying that they died. Th-Thats not what I meant... Uh, anyway... I better not take up too much of your time. Things start getting real tonight... Uh, hey! Listen, I have an idea: if you happen to get caught and want to avoid getting stuffed into a Freddy suit, uh... Try playing dead! You know... Go limp! Then theres a chance that, uh... maybe they'll think that you're an empty costume instead! Then again, If they think you're an empty costume, they might try to... Stuff a metal endoskeleton into you... I wonder how that'd work? Yeah, never mind. Scratch that. It's best just not to get caught... Um, Okay, I'll leave you to it. See you on the flip side!"

"You know, Shad... I hate that guy. I really do..." A seemingly all too familiar voice echoed through the small office...

"Wait... who's there?"

 who's there?"

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