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The theme park had been fun. She sighed as she locked the door behind her. The group had all gone to their own places, giving them all day Sunday to prepare for school. And the pizzeria.

Sunday was a blur. Claire had got home late Saturday night, and together, they spent Sunday playing games and watching cartoons. They got a take-out curry...Both of them had got bored of pizza after eating it three days in a row.


Shadow growled slightly as she turned over, the alarm making a constant racket in her ear. She fell out of bed and simply said "Todays gonna be great!" sarcastically. Then she remembered her job. That encouraged her to pull on her school uniform. She pulled half of her hair into a pony-tail, and braided a small part. It took a while and she sighed when she reached where the jet-black hair began to fade into the dark purple, and finally into the lilac part. A constant reminder of her past. She hurried her breakfast, Bonnie, Foxy and Chica were coming to walk with her today.

She was sat at the table in the kitchen-dining area, staring into space with a piece of toast in her hand, when a knock at the door brought her back to reality. She walked over and three friendly faces stood there as she invited them in and offered food.

"Thanks, uh, can the bread be any more raw? Are you sure you don't have any dough?" Bonnie asked sarcastically, looking at the so-called toast in his hand.

"Here, I'll toast it some more..." Shadow laughed, Foxy and Chica were both eating apples quietly, "You can get anything you want...feel free!" She gestured at the counter that had two bowls of fruit and a variety of pastries laid out on it. Bonnie walked over and picked up a peach.

Bonnie looked at the other three with the peach in his mouth, as Claire walked in. "Mhmm, huh, mh...ummh!"

"Sorry, love, uh, cant tell what you're've got just a little something..." She laughed and pointed at the corner of her mouth, making everyone else laugh.

Bonnie took the fruit from his mouth and said, "Sorry 'bout that, I said, Mornin, Miss!"

"Oh Shad! Which is your boyfriend? Or is the lovely lady your girlfriend?" Claire squealed like a hypreactive child.

"And with that... we need to get going in a few seconds..." Shadow put in quickly. "Oh, and Claire, remember I start my job tonight! If I don't see you after school, I'll see you tomorrow." She hugged her adoptive mother, waved and left the house with Chica, Foxy and Bonnie.

The walk was a fifteen minute one, usually filled with angry glares and fear, but today it was happy and full of laughter.

"So, you are the the spirits?" Shadow asked again, trying to get a straight-forward answer.

"Yes, we are." Foxy answered, finally.

"D-do you remember a...a small kid who brought bracelets one day?"

"Uh...actually yeah! There was a small kid who brought us beautifully weaved bracelets, in our colours with our names weaved onto them!" Chica said happily, "Why?"

"That, uh," Shadow blushed madly, "It was me." She said, pulling up the sleeve of her hoodie to reveal five bracelets, matching the ones she had given to the animatronics years ago.

Bonnie lifted the sleeve of his jumper to show his, Foxy and Chica following suit. "Gold and Freddy have always kept theirs on...we never took them off!" He smiled and looked at the sky, remembering.

A small girl walked in early in the morning with a tall man- her dad. She looked around at the empty pizzeria. Her dad looked down at her as she pulled on his shirt, and she whispered something to him, before he nodded, and she ran off. "Shadow, come back when the bell rings for opening hours!" He yelled as the short girl ran, her jet-black hair that faded into purple and then to lilac trailed behind her. Shadow ran towards the animatronics that were stood on-stage. She looked at them as they peered down at her.

"Um...Hi!" She said, shyly.

"Hello!" Chica said back, "You're here early!"

"Dad works here...I came with him today, its the school break."

"Aw, what did you come to see us for?" Freddy asked.

"I made these..." She held three wristbands in her hand, before taking one to Chica, one to Freddy and one to Bonnie. She stood back and watched their reactions. All three animatronics were happy, they thanked and hugged her, before she raced over to the room she knew Gold was in.

She crawled towards him and gave him a poke. He looked up at her and she held a wristband with 'Gold' weaved on.

"Thank you, its beautiful!" He said as he pulled her in for a hug. She just smiled and waved before racing for Pirate's Cove.

Shadow pulled back the curtain and whispered to her favourite animatronic, "Hey! Foxy, Its Shad!"

"Hello?" An uncertain voice replied back. "Who is it?"

"Afton's daughter...I uh...have something for you." She looked at him with wide eyes and held out the wristband.

"Its amazing...You made this?"

She nodded and smiled.

"Th-Thanks...And... your eyes are gorgeous! One purple and the other red with grey? You're always full of surprises, eh kiddo? First the constant sunglasses, second you knowing 4 languages and now this!" Foxy stuttered as he took it and slipped it on his wrist. Then he pulled her in for a hug as she smiled madly. The bell rang for the day to start, and she waved and ran off, back to her dad.

"-xy! Earth to Foxy!? Are you okay? Hello?!" Chica was waving her hand in front of his face, "Foxy dude, snap out of it!" She smacked him playfully.

"Huh? What?"

"Foxy, are you okay? You were staring into space and then smiling madly?"

"Oh...uh... I was thinking about the bracelets and what happened before..."

"Okay..." Bonnie was being sarcastic again

"Bonnie! Shut up! I think its kinda cute." Chica was smiling an Shadow blushed.

"C'mon, we need to get to school!" Bonnie yelled at them. They began running to the school.

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