Last Night at Freddy's?

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The group of five walked through the heavy glass doors to the pizzeria, laughing and joking around.

"So, uh... No disappearing tonight?" Shad laughed nervously, keeping her hand firmly on Bonnie's shoulder, as though trying to get an answer specifically from him She was trying to continue with the light hearted mood that had hung around them all day.

"Hey, No promises..." Foxy laughed, pulling a face after.

They began heading off to the office, knowing the phone would be going off any second. The halls were still covered in the old drawings, some from years ago.

"Well... What's it been like back at the house without us?" Freddy was looking through the drawings on the walls surrounding the desk.

"Well, for the week you've all been there against the few days I spent alone, It was weird. Really quiet and to be honest, quite lonely..." She was smiling slightly, knowing they would be going back with her again tonight.

"Shad, do you know what happened to Gold? I know we had our... Issues... But he's my brother and I'm worried..."

"Freddy... I'm sorry. I can ask, but I believe he was scrapped..." She spoke softly, with a hint of sympathy in her voice, "But... I know that if he was... Depending on how he was, his spirit will be free. At rest. Finally consumed by the peace you all deserve after the incident."

She was interrupted by the phone ringing loudly.

"Hello, hello? Hey, good job, night 5! Um, hey, um, keep a close eye on things tonight, ok? Um, from what I understand, the building is on lockdown, uh, no one is allowed in or out, ya know? Especially concerning any... Previous employees. Um, when we get it all sorted out, we may move you to the day shift. A- a position just became... Available. Uh, we don't have a replacement for your shift yet, but we're working on it! Uh, we're going to try to contact the original restaurant owner. I, Uh, I think the name of the place was..."Fredbear's Family Diner" or something like that. It's been closed for years though, I doubt we'll be able to track anybody down. Well, just get through one more night! Uh, hang in there! Goodnight!"

"Is it me, or does that guy just get weirder?" Mangle said -yelled- as she jumped from the beams above their heads and as the new animatronics walked in.

"Yeah... I'm sure he does..."

"Well... I wasn't asking you Chicken girl. But, glad you agree. Anyway... Shady, you staying? Like, for good? You keeping the job?"

"Uhh... Well... I'd hope so. I love working here?"

"I find that a bit far- fetched... Ow, geez Bon! What was that for?" Toy Freddy had been pushed by Toy Bonnie, who just shook his head.

"A bit far -fetched? God, if she likes the job, one: that's a first and two: She's alive, well and safe. Let her enjoy the job."

"I'm just saying... Usually, we have a guard for about three night and then they leave..."

"Correction, we have a guard for about three nights and then the die..." The original Chica stated, loudly.

"Anyway!" Shadow had to yell over the arguing animatronics. "Lets go!"

"Where? I dont know if you heard the creepy guy, but the buildings on lockdown. No-one in or out..."

"Well then, we're gonna make use of the pizzeria! My plans weren't exactly 'escape and destroy the town', like you might imagine..."

"Well there go my plans!" Foxy was yelling sarcastically. He threw the flashlight up in the air. A small figure appeared and tried to catch the flying object, but Mangle snatched it out of the air and out of his reach just before he got it.

"Hey! I want those batteries!"

"No chance... Anyway... Last night of the week, what do you want to do?" Mangle looked around the small office, lifting the flashlight above her head as Balloon Boy went to grab it.

"Hey. No fair..."

"Fair enough. Anyway... Main hall. Lets go!"

The twelve of them all headed off to the main hall. Shad was still looking at the hundreds of drawings that lined the halls, some that looked ancient, others that looked that they had been stuck to the walls minutes before she had arrived. All of them were messy scrawls, drawn in broken and discoloured crayons, but some of them had incredible detail. The old animatronics were on a few, then the new ones, then children with them. Others were copies of the posters that hung on the wall, once alone, now surrounded by the childrens' drawings.

She had noticed a few of her own, some of which her father had hung up when the restaurant first opened. They were originally there to persuade kids to add to the decorations, but as time had gone on, they had spread from the main room to almost all over the pizzeria. Some had names and dates, others were forgotten memories.

They arrived at the main hall, but Shad continued to look at the drawings. No-one interrupted her, but they all watched in confusion as she slowly made her way around the hall, staring at every paper individually, studying it. There were two in particular that made her stop. The first was a drawing of the old animatronics, Gold included. It was highly detailed, dated and had a neat name and age at the bottom. The shading was some of the best there, and it wasn't in the usual crayons that Freddy's provided. It was in sketching pencils, making it stand out anyway. The biggest thing that caught her eye wasnt the media, or the picture itself, that was of the five animatronics and four children, all in the unmistakeable uniforms, it was the information at the bottom: Michael Afton, 13.

"This drawing." She paused, not daring to look away from the paper as she pulled it off the wall carefully, "This is Mikes, from before he left. The year before, or maybe before his birthday? This is from about ten years ago, maybe eleven..."


"I'm not sure... It just seems... Important. I dont know why." She said it in a quiet whisper, before turning to the group, who had remained quiet the entire time, "Sorry about that... So... What were we gonna do?" She was smiling now, as though nothing had happened.

"Can we make pizza?" Toy Chica leapt up as she put the suggestion forward.

"As long as Foxy doesn't try to make a cake again..." Bonnie muttered, before turning to see Freddy laughing at the comment. "What's so funny, Idiot?"

"You! 'As long as Foxy doesn't try to make a cake again'... He wasn't that bad!"

"He got eggshells everywhere, threw flour at us all and then practically covered us all in sugar, then broke the timer and nearly blew up the oven!"

"Geez... I was wasn't that bad..."

"Fox... I can assure you that, you really were."

"Anyway... Pizza!"


Five fifty seven.

"Alright. We're gonna have to go in a minute. Ready?"

A chorus of 'yes' came from the four originals, as they left the establishment first to avoid a run-in with Zach.

Just as they had hidden, waiting for Shad, Zach turned up, 6 am exactly. Shadow began walking out, leaving the door unlocked.

"Hey Shadow! Mind working tonight shift?"

"Uh... No it's fine! I'll do them. Same hours, right?"

"Yep. Ok, I'm gonna have to get going. I'll see you tonight then."

And with that, he rushed off inside the pizzeria, and the other four emerged from the bushes.

"Looks like that wasn't your last night then." Chica smiled as they began walking back to the house.

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