Part 29

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As the bell rang out for 6 am, Shadow walked around the pizzeria, hoping to find the animatronics.

The new versions were in their designated places, but the originals were nowhere to be seen. Not in an obvious place, anyway.

"Where are you guys? I need to go in a minute!" She half whispered, half yelled down the last corridor, before hearing a muffled yell. Curiosity got the better of her as she walked down towards the sound.

She opened the 'Employees Only' door, to see four human figures sat there on the floor.

"Where have you guys been?"

"Can we explain later please? I think we should get out of here..."

"Good idea, Sherlock. Look, we'll go back to mine, we can all get cleaned up and have a conversation there... Lets go. It's been weird without you guys these past few days..."


After they had all had a shower, cleaned up and got changed, they all sat around the table as Shad made food and brought it around. She was wearing a plain grey hoodie and black jeans, Chica had a light yellow blouse and white skinny jeans, Freddy had a brown jacket and black jeans, Foxy had a red t-shirt and black jeans and Bonnie had a purple-blue hoodie and navy blue jeans. There was a form of tension in the air, but they all seemed fine.

Except Bonnie, who had been silent the entire time, and who looked quite a mess and beyond tired.

"Where were you guys last night?" Shad was first to break the silence as she sat with them.

"Well... Bonnie thought he saw William, and got really worked up over it, and he snapped. Completely." Freddy was quick to answer.

"I'm sorry, Shadow. It's my fault. I got really angry and worked up over nothing, and I ended up putting you all in danger. Again." Bonnie looked down at his plate, pushing the food around with his fork.

"Hey, It's not your fault. Chances are, you did see something. He was there, and he ended up telling me something... I was too confused to completely acknowledge what he said, but... He was definitely there..." Shadow tried to reassure Bonnie, but she knew it would be useless.

"No. I freaked out and snapped. I tried to stop myself from breaking, but I couldn't. I'm sorry. It's my fault."

"Bonnie. Its. Not. Your. Fault." Bonnie was being stubborn, but he wasn't the only one who could be. "I want to talk to you later. Alone."

He nodded his head, never looking up.

"Anyway... What were you doing yesterday? We sent Chica up to find you but you weren't in the office."

"I went to get my drawing. It ended up being in my employment and information folder at the pizzeria for some reason. Then he turned up and when he left it was nearly 6."

They finished the food and all left to do as they pleased. Every one except Bonnie.

"Bonnie, can you come with me a few minutes? I want to talk to you..."

He stood without a word, keeping his head bowed and following Shad into a small spare room.

"What did you want?"

"I want to talk to you. I'm worried. In the last week or so, you've been... Unpredictable. I get that it isn't your fault, but I want to help you. You are probably the most likely to snap and struggle with it. I don't want you to, But if you keep trying to ignore it, you're just making yourself more likely to break at more random points. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to help you. I know its hard. I understand." She said to him. He was sat on a small chest of draws, staring at his hands in his lap. "Look at me, Bonnie." She lifted his head slightly in her hand, just enough so their eyes met, "I really do understand. I know it's hard. I'm trying to help you, but if you keep running away from it, It will get worse. Trust me."

"I know but... I feel bad for losing control of everything, and then that puts you guys at risk. I get that the others are pretty much used to it at this point, but I still fear for when the pizzeria is open and when you're around." He stood up and looked at her, his face expressionless.

"I understand. Get it into your thick skull will you?" She laughed, "But in all seriousness, I dealt with him. Granted, I never fully knew what was going on, but he would snap often too... A lot of the time, he would apologise excessively then try to drink it away. I guess it was fortunate that, believe it or not, he was one of the 'over emotional' drunks instead of the abusive ones. It was normality for me. I didn't know any better... Don't feel bad about anything. I've literally dealt with people all my life. If it came to it, I'm good enough to leave if there's danger. Don't worry. Okay?"

"Okay. I just don't want to put you guys in the path of my destructive streak. Gold was the last to fall victim to that, and he was recovering for a full three months after. I ended up distancing myself from the others for a few weeks after he had recovered, but every time something happened, I wouldn't let it go... Every time something happens it haunts me and I can't shake off the feeling that I'll end up hurting you... Any of you.... They've all been in my path a few times but I hate myself for being so quick to change my perspective of whatever..."

"Bonnie... This has happened before... When you suddenly disappeared. Last tie you were as a group. You've said before that you're the most unstable. Don't worry about it. C'mon, let's all go out for the day. I can tell you're upset. We'll all go out and take your mind off it." She smiled, as did Bonnie and they left the room.

Freddy and Foxy were arguing again and Chica was listening and laughing at whatever they were arguing about.

"Hey, come on! We're going out again today! And no, its not boring, shopping or to the old house. There's a fair not far from here and we're going, I don't care. Lets go!" She got them all out of the house, making sure she had her keys, money, backpack and phone.

They set off for the bus stop and headed off to the fairground, spending the entire day there.

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