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"Happy New Year!" Everyone yells at the top of their voice. Fireworks light up the sky as people look up in awe and amusement. I look around the backyard as drunken teens high five and share saliva under the array of fairy lights.

"Happy New Year!" Rebecca squeals in my ear. I grin back at her, "I have made a new years resolution Sage, I am not gonna get seriously drunk all year!" I look at her seriously for a moment before she start to giggle.

"Why does your face look like that?" She giggles louder. I roll my eyes playfully.

"Good luck with that resolution," I yell sarcastically over the music and walk over to the refreshment table.

"Sage!" A voice yells over the music. I turn around to see a figure trying to move through the bodies of sweaty teens dancing.

"Beckett! You came!" I exclaim with excitement. I take a sip of my beer as he finally pushes through the crowd and stands in front of me.

"I need you help," He says sternly.

"Happy new years to you too," I take another sip, his green eyes stare at me, "Beckett, c'mon this is the first party you've come to in like 6 billion months have some fun,worry later,"

"Sage c'mon I need your help," He pleads. This must be important and I'm intrigued.

"Ugh, fine but if your gonna give me a lecture about partying your on your own," He takes my hand and drags me through the crowds and into the family where I spot the Host of this grand party.

"Blade Wonderland! Great party, really out done yourself! Just one thing, your thirteen year old brother may have drunk some alcohol because he is currently making a foul of himself of the dance floor. Seriously I didn't know someone could dab that bad!" I yell over the music trying not to laugh as the image replays in my head, Beckett tugs my arms to continue moving but I ignore and stand my ground.

"Thanks Sage, I'll get him out of there," Blade smiles and walks off. Beckett pulls me up the stairs and down the hall into a dark bedroom. He closes the door,turns the light on causing me to squint, Beckett turns around turns around and smiles awkwardly.

"Sage, I need your help-," He says moving over to sit on the neat bed.

"As you have said Beckett Thompson, but I wondered why would you need my help? I have no skill for playing with elf lords and destroying the dragon so you can reach another level. I refused to help you with math and science because I am failing and would cause you-"

"Sage," He interrupts.

"Yes becky," I smile cruelly. He hates that name.

"I need your help Sage, I don't really know how to say this but I'm just gonna say it," he sighs.

"If you're asking me out Beckett, I'm sorry but I don't like you in that way," I say patting his shoulder to show my sympathy.

"What? No! I'm not asking you out Sage. If you would let me finish you would understand why I need you help," he snaps with his cheeks slightly blushing. I shut up and sit down on a chair opposite the bed. Beckett's all nerdy and stuff but you don't want to mess with him when he is angry, I mean he kills fake people on tv with one shot, who wouldn't be scared?

"Ok, Here goes. I need you to help me be..popular," he mumbles the last part. I stare at him confused.

"You want me to help you be what?" I sigh leaning in to hear him more clearly.

"I need you to help me be popular. You know, like Blade Wonderland. The guy that gets all the girls, and all the guys want to be friends with and is sporty and everybody loves." I stare at him for a while to see if this is some joke but end up bursting out in laughter. I laugh so hard my stomach hurts and I somehow end up on the floor.

"It's stupid, don't worry about it Sage," he mumbles, standing up and making his way out of the bedroom. I grab onto his ankle causing him to delay his movement towards the door.

"Stop... I'll's not stupid..stop," I say in-between laughs. He tries to shake my hands off his ankle making me hold tighter and causing him trip over and fall onto the floor.

"Let go of me Sage!" He groans commando crawling his way to the door and dragging me along with him.

"Never!" I yell and quickly let go of him and jump on top of him, "I will help you Beckett Thompson, become a better version of yourself for the greater good," He grunts and pushes me off him and gets up, dusting his clothes off as well. I put my hand out expecting him to help me up, instead he walks over to the bed. I scoff and get up and stand in front of him.

"Ok Beckett. I will help you become another version of Blade Wonderland. I will make you a gorgeous bad boy or golden boy if you wish," I smile at him.

"Are you sure?" He ask quietly pushes his glasses up his nose.

"My God, boy! Sit up straight, talk with pride, think whatever you say is right, don't give into doubt," I yell along with crazy hand gestures.

"Why do I feel like this is a bad idea," he mumbles loud enough for me to hear. I ignore his words and continue with my speech.

"I will make the girls fall for you, the boys want to be your mate and the whole student body in love and afraid of you!" I smile to myself as I pace back and forward.

"Oh God, what did I do," Beckett mumbles to himself.

"Beckett Thompson," I grin facing him with my hands on my hips.

"Yes Sage?" he sighs looking up at me.

"I'm gonna make you damn irresistible."


Next Chapter Will be posted in a week. Thank you for reading. 


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