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"I'm so excited!" I sequel jumping up and down

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"I'm so excited!" I sequel jumping up and down. Aiden looks at me with a puzzled looks and Bec just laughs.

"How could you possibly excited about a football game?" Aiden asks raising an eyebrow.

"She just wants to see her boyfriend play," Bec smirks pushing my shoulder playfully. I instantly drop my smile and frown at her.

"We are just friends Bec," I reply.

"Yeah, with benefits," Aiden mumbles. I slap his arm as Bec burst out laughing.

"You tease all you want guys but Beckett and I are just friends," I explain. They nod and try to contain their laughter as we make our way up the bleachers.

We push past a group of girls and we plonk ourselves down in the middle of the row. The footballers enter the field and the opposing team follows suit. Soon the game begins and the boys tackle, kick goals,points and a couple players body parts by accident. I keep my eyes trained mostly on Beckett as I watch him run and kick successfully, to be perfectly honest, he has natural talent or either his on steroids but I'm going with the first one.

After the first quarter ends we are leading by a goal. I'll admit that this is a tough first game, but most first games are tough since the team hasn't fully gelled together yet. Another quarter starts and we lead most of the way but in the last five minutes Beckett is taken off and I turn my attention to Blade. He's good, really good. No wonder he was chosen to play in the junior football league last year, he has a lot of talent. The second quarter ends with us behind by three points. This game is nail biter, Bec has already caused some serious damage to Aiden arm since overtime we mess up she hits his arm unknowingly. The third quarter passes fast as the other teams ruck sprained his ankle and we soon lead by two goals. The final quarter finally starts and we lead for the first half of the quarter but in the last five minutes the other teams leads.

One minute remains and the ball is taken from the other team and Blade speeds down the field, kicking to Mason who runs a bit to passes to Beckett. The crowd stands up and cheers and Beckett speeds away from every other player, players from the opposing team attempt to chase or tackle Beckett but he's to fast. He makes it past the fifty area he speeds up to the goals as the crowd cheers louder, he kick the ball three meters away from the goal and the crowd screams with delight. We are two down now with thirty-seconds to go.

With twenty-seconds left on the clock the other team takes the ball kicks towards his fellow player but is quickly intercepted by a player from our team who kicks to an open Beckett. My heart beats in my ears as the crowd cheers and Bec screams beside me, I pray he does something good in this pressured moment. Beckett glances up at the clock; ten-seconds left. He turns back to the goals and dodges a player before kicking the football towards the posts scores another goal a second before the siren leaving us ahead by four.

The crowd jumps up in victory and roars with excitement and glory, Bec and I follow suit closely followed by Aiden cheering loudly for Beckett as the rest of the crowd does. The football team rush up to Beckett and hug and jump on each other in victory. The football team all fall over together but continue to wrestle and high five Beckett in glory.

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