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"Therefore C is equal to negative thirty three," Mrs Curtis says writing the answer on the board

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"Therefore C is equal to negative thirty three," Mrs Curtis says writing the answer on the board. I grumble as I put a red cross on my worksheet.

"Psst, Sage?" Blade whispers and I turn around.

"How did he get negative thirty three from that sum?" He says holding up his paper. I shrug.

"I gave up on math he the alphabet came into it," I whisper back and turn around. The bell rings signalling the start of lunch. I collect my things and exit the classroom closely followed by Blade.

"So how was your weekend?" Blade asks following me through the crowd of teenagers.

"Alright, How about you?" I say as I find my locker and begin to open the lock.

"I broke up with Samantha," He grins and I turn and grin at him.

"Again? How long is this breakup going to last this time?' I grin trying to hold back a laugh. His smile falters for a second.

"No, this time we aren't going to get back together," At that comment I have to laugh. This time his smile disappears.

"That's what you said last time," I chuckle shoving my stuff into my locker.

"This time it's for real," he frowns, looking like a wounded puppy. I stop laughing and just grin widely.

"So who's the next poor girl?" I ask taking out an apple.

"Well, your single," He smirks. I laugh and shake my head.

"The only love I need in my life is food," I reply closing my locker.

"Hey you called me hot, that's one step closer from being my girlfriend," He grins.

"In your dreams," I reply. He kissed my cheek quickly and sprints away.

"Bye Evans!" He yells creating distance away from me in case I attack him.

"I hope your joking Wonder boy!" I yell back to him wiping my cheek. To be honest, I hope he was.

I exit the busy hallways of the high school and enter the oval and make my way over to the table where Bec and Beckett sit along with other few friends.

"Hey, guys what's up?" I say swinging my legs over the chair before plonking down next to Bec facing Beckett.

"Becky has a crush!" Bec grins. I look over and grin at Beckett.

"It isn't a crush, I just like her," He comments looking down at his sandwich.

"That's a crush," I point out.

"Well, a crush sounds girly," He mumbles.

"Well, you're acting like a girl now," Bec comments, he looks up at glares at her.

"So who is it?" I ask. Hundreds of questions are running through my head with curiosity.

"Charlotte Lewis, the girl in your science class," Bec answers for him. I jump with joy when they say her name and my smile grows into a grin.

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