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"Last year of indescribable torture," I sigh standing outside of the school gates.

"Hopefully the girls are hotter this year," Aiden comments. Rebecca and I give him a look and he smiles awkwardly. I turn back to the gate and refuse let myself be swallowed up the huge wave of students pushing us slowly towards the monstrous white-bricked building.

"Well, let's go," Bec sighs and starts walking with Aiden. She turns back to me, grabs me by the arm and drags me into the mouth of the monster we call school. Once I placed my school bag in my homeroom as we usually do at the beginning of every year since we don't know where our lockers are, I join Rebecca and Aiden who are talking while leaning against lockers.

"Hopefully I don't get a trashy locker like last year," Rebecca says watching the ever-growing crowd of students walking past us.

"Have any of you guys seen Beckett?" I ask trying to catch a glimpse of Beckett's Brown short hair. He didn't drive with us today so I haven't seen him yet.

"No, he came early to make sure one of his teacher would give him extra credit or something," Aiden says. Geez, that boy really wants extra credit. Aiden walks off to go flirt with some girl and I turn to Bec.

"Sage!" Beckett smiles, walking towards me.

I smile back at him, He stands in front of me and I can already feel the eyes of the students staring at us, well Beckett. Even though most of the people in our year saw him last week that didn't fully see him since it was a party and most to the rooms had bad lighting and even if they did know it was Beckett they would still stare. He's gotten even more attractive if that was possible. His muscles looker larger and his skin is still glowing. Even I can admit that I was staring.

"Hey Beckett, How's life?" I ask trying to break my gaze.

"The same," He smiles simply, I raise an eyebrow. Is he oblivious to the fact that more the half the girls in this hallway are looking at him?

"Are you sure? Even Samantha's staring at you," I smile, Beckett looks slightly confused to why I would say that thankfully Bec saves me from explaining by hitting him on the back of his head.

"Your hot Beckett, people are staring at you because you're hot. How thick are you?" Bec asks. Beckett almost blushes but he turns it into an easy smile. Beckett looks around the hallway and all the eyes scatter away from him, He looks back at me.

"Samantha's glaring at you now," He smiles. I roll my eyes, Great. The bell rings signaling that its time to go to homeroom and the students scatter to their homerooms. I begin my little walk to my homeroom until the last person I want to talk to right now rudely interrupt me.

"That boy you were talking to a few seconds ago doesn't belong to you," Samantha states. I scoff.

"He doesn't belong to you either Samantha. Believe it or not but not everyone likes you and your hair extensions," I snap. Her hands touches her hair subconsciously.

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