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"So you're actually serious?" Rebecca asks sipping her smoothie.

"Yes, Bec I'm serious. Beckett asked me to help and I'm going to help him, now stop asking I feel like a broken record," I sigh repeating myself.

"Fine, fine, It's just interesting that a guy would ask you that," She says. I roll my eyes.

Even though Rebecca has known Beckett for as long as I have she doesn't have to same connection to him. But then again she and Beckett use to like each other in year seven so they have awkward history but that was ages ago. They grew out of their crushes and stayed friends.

"Your just jealous he asked me," I teased. She rolls her eyes playfully. We spot Beckett walking towards us with Aiden and we gather our bags and meet them half way.

"Hey Beckett, hey Aiden," I smile. Aiden is one of our friends who joined our friendship group last year when he met Beckett at some gaming convention. Even though Aiden plays video games and is extremely good at Math he is an attractive guy that can be a jerk sometimes. But his sarcasm is really the only reason I started being friends with him.

"The next thing on the list is how to pick up girls and I'm sure you brought Aiden because he is such a chick magnetic, aren't you Aiden?" I smirk. Aiden has never had a girlfriend before which is funny because he is more attractive then half the guys in our year. He's attractive to girls until he open's his mouth.

"You flatter me Sage," He lazily smiles back at me. I look to my side to see Rebecca Staring at Aiden. She must have a thing for geeks.

"According to this website I found picking up girls is extremely easy if your attractive, too bad you guys aren't," I smile at they're frowning faces, "So go pick a girl and go up to her and try and get her number,"

"What happened to teaching me how to get a girl?" Beckett asks.

"I need to see how you work in this field," I say simply and Beckett raises an eyebrow. I spot a brunette sitting down by herself on her phone.

"Flirting can't be that hard, right?" He asks scratching the back of his head. I ignore his question and point to the girl and push Beckett towards her. Bec, Aiden and I find a table near by a sit down waiting to see how he goes.

Beckett walks up to the girl and sits about a meter away from her and open and closes his mouth about five times.

"Does he think she speaks fish or something?" Aiden asks, I look at him and grin.

I turn back to Beckett and I gesture for him to talk to her. He says something and the girl looks up and says something back and looks back down to her phone. Beckett looks back at me and shrugs worriedly. I gesture to try and speak again, Beckett speaks again and the girl starts talking back I look over to grin at Bec but she is pointing her phone camera at Beckett.

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