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Helping Beckett becoming popular was going to be difficult, sure he was attractive in a nerdy kind of way but he's shy and likes sarcasm way to much without scaring anyone away.

"I made a list Beckett, Of the things you must achieve to become popular and attractive," I announce as I enter the Thompson house on the second day of the new year.

"So your saying I'm not attractive at all?" He comes out of the kitchen shirtless showing his semi toned stomach and extremely pale skin. He smiles showing his mouth full of Cheerios and milk slowly dripping down his chin. Boy, I gotta a lot of work to do.

"Get a shirt on Casper. We're going shopping! It's first on the list to do," I grin. He scowls at his new nickname.

"Why do we need to go shopping? I have perfectly good clothes," He groans wiping his mouth and placing his cereal bowl on a table, "And don't call me Casper,"

"Whatever Elf Lord and anyway a last week you wore a dinosaur top you got from your grandma when you were fourteen. It was childish and barely fitted you anyway, Now go before I drag you up the stairs and burn you're silly Guardian of the Galaxy poster you love way to much!". He sulks at my threat and slowly walks up the stairs. I wait patiently downstairs for Beckett to come downstairs. Beckett's six-year-old brother slowly walks out of the kitchen with a cereal bowl in his hands.

"Hey Ben, what you doing?" I smile and crouch down to match his eye level.

"Mummy said I can eat my cereal in front of the TV as long as I don't spill any milk!" He smiles.

"Wanna hear something cool?" I ask and he nods eagerly, "Whenever your big brother has his shirt off his name suddenly becomes Casper! And every time you call him that his face does something weird!"

"That's cool!" He grins, I pat his head and he continues to walk into the living room. I stand up from my crouch and look at the photo's on the wall; my eye catches on Beckett's younger sister. She's smiling at the camera looking completely happy and innocent, cancer shouldn't infect children, it's just wrong. I hear the footsteps of Beckett down the stairs. He's wearing a simple blue grey shirt and tan pants.

"I'm driving!" I say and turn to the door.

"But you drive like a maniac Sage," He sighs looking the front door.

"My driving is the closest thing you will get to a free roller coaster ride, you need to appreciate that Beckett," I open front door and slide into a seat and so does Beckett. I pull out of the driveway barely missing the mailbox, I'm pretty sure I heard Beckett praying. I pull onto the street and drive off or speed off which ever one you like.

"Can I see this list Sage," he asks. I take the scrunch up piece of paper from my pocket and through it at him. He quietly reads the list.

"I am not going to Jail Sage," he cries out. I shake my head in disappointment.

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