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"Three weeks, congrats Char!" I say sitting down next to Riley; Our table seems to be growing with new friends and excitement

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"Three weeks, congrats Char!" I say sitting down next to Riley; Our table seems to be growing with new friends and excitement.

"I'm in the relationship too Sage," Beckett comments not looking up from his sandwich. I freeze for a second when the slight anger in his words hit me.

"Congrats too, Beckett," I force a smirk.

He returns a smile before getting up mumbling something about going to hang out with the guys. He kisses Charlotte on the cheek before walking across the field to a bunch of his team who welcome him to the table with open arms. I watch Beckett as he sits down among the footballers and girls; he looks so happy and he seems to be fitting in. He says something that makes the table erupt in laughter and all the girls giggle and flip their hair. A pang in my heart of jealousy and hurt wakes me up from my staring and I quickly turn back Charlotte, Riley, Rebecca and Aiden.

"Is he taking you somewhere tonight?" Bec asks.

"We are just going to hang out at his house tonight," Charlotte smiles, I smile back at her and turn my head to an upset Aiden.

"He does this pretty much everyday now," Aiden mutters while stabbing his pasta with a plastic fork.

"He just found new friends and wants to hang out with them," I say trying to make him feel a bit better.

"Just because you found new friends doesn't mean you ditch the old ones," Aiden snaps before abruptly getting up and leaving with anger.

"Poor Aiden," Bec mumbles looking down.

"Do you know what's going on with Beckett, Charlotte?" Riley asks. I place my gaze back on the table where Beckett sits and watch as a girl who I think is named Janie whispers in his ear while her hand travels down his back. I look away when the urge to vomit takes over me.

"I don't know, he just says he wants to hang out with them," Charlotte answers.

"Is he still nice when he's with you?" Rebecca asks.

"When we are watching a movie he's usually on his phone texting one of his buddies. He's nice but he's a bit cocky and snappy now, I think somethings happening at home because when I came to pick him up one day he was arguing with his Dad and his Mum was crying," Charlotte explains.

I look back at Beckett and watch him as he laughs along with all the other guys and the giggling girls. He looks completely fine. He must have noticed someone staring since his eyes left the table and found mine quite easily. I quickly look away and after a minute or two I look back at the table where Janie is dragging him inside, he quickly looks back at our table and at me, to see if I'm watching and I am, but I wish I wasn't.


The end of the week creeps up and soon it's Friday afternoon soon the siren ends signalling another win for our senior football team. The crowd roars and boys congratulate each other. Charlotte cheers besides but I just sit there watching Beckett's movements. He highs fives his teams mates and shakes the opposing teams hands with a huge grin on his face. I haven't seen him smile like that at our table since last month, he smiles like that all the time when he's with his other friends though. Wow, I sound like a jealous little kid. Snap out of it Sage! I follow Charlotte down the stairs of the Bleachers and towards Beckett, his smile falter when he see me with Charlotte.

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