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"Can you stop chewing so loudly?" I ask for the third time

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"Can you stop chewing so loudly?" I ask for the third time.

"I'm exercising my mouth," Blade says shoving another handful of chips into his big mouth. I scrunch my face up with disgust and look out the car window.

"How am I going to survive a whole three days with you?" I mutter to myself. I turn back to Blade and see makes a goofy smile showing the decomposing chips in his mouth.

"How long till we get there, Dad?" I call to the drivers seat. Being squished against the window for two hours because of Blade isn't a comfortable sitting position,at all.

"About another hour," Dad says turning the radio slightly up.

"Oh God," I sigh.

"He's not gonna help you here," Blade says back.

I give him a look and put my earphones back in my ears and try to drown out Blade's obnoxious chewing. After battles about car space and arguments about the chip debris coming from Blade mouth we finally make it to the camping site. We unload the tents and food from the other car and pick a place to setup. We pick the area directly in from of the lake and start setting up the tents.

"So who's with who?" Kye asks.

"You & Jason will share, I will share with Dad and the Wonderlands will share-" Mum begins to say.

"Wait! Are Blade and I together,like in a tent?" I panic.

"Yes, dear but you have the double tent with a sheet down the middle, so you technically have a section to yourself each," My Mother says. I turn to Blade smiling face and glare. Blade and I set up our tent slowly and rather painfully.

"You're not doing it right," Blade grumbles.

"What do you mean? I'm putting the rods in the fabric and connecting them!" I snap back.

"You can't just put any two rods together! They have to be the right ones," Blade snaps back. I roll my eyes and pick up two rocks that look similar.

"You're still not doing it right," Blade points out. I grumble and let go of the rods.

"Fine! You do it then! I'm going to go get the bed stuff," I grumble and get off the floor. I grab two blow up mattresses and sleeping bags and make my way back to the tent. I dump the stuff on the floor.

"Your done!" I say slightly surprised her completed it that fast. He nods. I inspect the inside of the tent and thank the lord for having a fabric wall between to sides of the tent. I walk into each side of the tent and pick my side.

"I get the big side," I confirm without asking for his permission.

"No way! I built the tent," He points out.

"I'm a girl. I need space to put my things around. I like space,so I get this side," I explain putting my hands on my hips.

"But I'm bigger the you so I need the space," Blade comments.

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