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Everyone spills into the hall carrying his or her chairs. Blade continuously hits my back with his chair.

"Will you stop hitting me!" I grumble. Blade does it again. I turn around and send a glare his way.

"Its kind of hard since the whole place is packed," He groans back. We finally make our way over to where our homeroom is and we sit down bickering with each other until the Principal begins the end of term assembly. The principal goes through the basic things like education status, club updates.

"Now we are going to have a presentation from the Football team. This presentation will be presented by the captain, Beckett Thompson and his teammate, Mason Vanderwaal," The principal smiles and takes seat on the stage, everyone watches Beckett and Mason walk up the stage and they receive a few whistles and cheers. Beckett smiles at the crowd looking complete relaxed and comfortable, as if he forgot what happened on Saturday night. Anxiousness swarms up inside me. Did he actually forget what happened? Or did he not care that I cared for him?

"Hey guys, we are here to give you an update on how our season going. The beginning of the football started of with a tight game ending with our Captain scoring the winning goal," Mason smiles as the crowd cheers.

"From there we went to win every game we played in and we did it with pride and confidence," Mason says, "We enter the season unknowingly and unsure of the season ahead but we are proud to say that we are currently sitting on top of the ladder with nine wins and zero loses," Mason explains the crowd cheers again and Mason moves to the side and Beckett steps forward, the crowd immediately hushes down to hear what he has to say. My heartbeat quickens slightly when he smiles showing his perfect white teeth.

"As captain of the team I'm proud and lucky to have such good boys in our team, we couldn't have won all those games without you guys and without our Coach, Mr. Forward. Coach we were a loud and annoying group of boys to teach but you did it successfully and we are proud to be taught by you," he grins and the footballer players in the crowd hoot and cheer for the captain making the students erupt in laughter, I stare silent with my eyes trained on Beckett. My heart flutters as he sends out a soft chuckle into the microphone.

"I'm proud to be picked captain by my team mates but I personally feel like we all made a mistake. I figured out the mistake when I was interviewed by the school newspaper, they asked me what football means to me, I said that it was just a game I liked playing, I don't love football and I think the Captain of the team should love football with all of his heart and would need it more then me. So As captain I'm giving myself up from this position and giving it Blade Wonderland instead, He's been in the team longer then I have and he loves football a lot more, so with the coaches permission I give my position to Blade," The room erupts in whispers and I turn to a confused Blade, the principal instructs him to come on stage and he stands up awkwardly and walks up stage standing next to Beckett, Beckett points to the microphone and Blade leans down awkwardly.

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