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I place both of my legs into Beckett room and immediately feel something squishy underneath my running shoes. I just stepped on half eaten stale bread and jam smothered on it. I scrunch my face up in disgust and wipe the jam on the carpet. I continue to tip toe over to Beckett's bed. I gently pull some of the cover off to find that Beckett is hugging a PlayStation remote. I laugh to myself and gently try to pull the remote out and I'm successful, I chuck in on a pile of clothes.

"Beckett wake up!" I whisper poking his shoulder gently, "Beckett?"

I tip toe over to his bathroom and fill up a cup with water and tip toe over to his bed again. I count down to three and chuck the water at him.

"AGHHHHHHH!" He screams as soon as he feels the water and he jumps up into a sitting position.

"Good morning sunshine!" I grin holding the cup in my hand, "Speaking of sunshine you need to start sun baking. You need at least get fifteen minutes of sun everyday Casper,"

"Go away," He groans. Is voice is deep and scruffy from his sleep. I notice he isn't wearing a shirt again.

"Seriously what is it with boys and not wearing shirts to bed?" I question. He slightly shrugs and lies back down. I poke his shoulder and he grumpily groans.

"Cheer up pumpkin! Come on we have a lot of stuff to do today!" I smile kicking his bed sheets.

"What time is it?" He sleepily says turning his head away from me and into his pillow. I look down at my watch.

"It's before six am. Now come on we have to tick an another thing off the list!" I reply.

"In the morning?" He groans. I roll my eyes.

"I literally just said six AM," I explain, he groans again and rolls away from me showing me his spine pushing against his pale skin. I look around the room to find something to throw at him.

"You have a TV and PlayStation in here now? Is the living room to far away now?" I ask, "You really need to clean this room, I stepped on stale bread when I came through the window,"

He turns his head to me and gives me a questioning look.

"You know we have a perfectly good front door, my parents won't care," He says.

"Climbing through a window is way more exciting," I explain, "get up! Let's go."

I pull his duvet off him and walk out of his room.

"You have five minutes to get ready! Put something sporty on, we are going running!" I yell and walk down the stairs. It takes him five minutes to get ready and comes down in a running tank top, blue shorts and Nike shoes.

"Let's go then," I smile and exit to the door with Beckett following behind.

"Shouldn't we stretch first?" He asks.

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