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Believe it or not but trying to climb through a window on the second floor of a house is way harder in pitch blackness then daylight. In the end I successfully climb or fall into Beckett's dark room with a loud thud

"Sage? Is that you?" I hear Beckett whisper along with the cluttering of something, he must be reaching for his glasses. I groan as I slowly get up.

"No it's batman, I'm here to kidnap you for ripping my head of your batman figurine when you we twelve," I say in a deep voice. Beckett turn's on his lamp and I am momentarily blinded. My sight comes back to find Beckett in his pajamas safety tucked into his bed.

"I'm am not getting a criminal record," He says. I roll my eyes. He repeats his words again.

"Stop being an asshat and get dressed into dark clothing," I sigh.

"I am not getting a criminal record Sage, they look bad on college applications," he protests.

"It's not like I'm asking you to kill the nice lady down the street Beckett," I explain rather rudely. Falling into his bedroom hurt, especially since I fell on his pile of unnecessary junk.

"I'm only asking you do some petty theft or breaking into an abandoned waterpark," I say, quickly adding on the part about the waterpark.

"I am not breaking into a waterpark Sage, there would be security guys," He comments. I roll my eyes yet again at his goody-toe shoe-ness. Soon they're going to roll out of my eye sockets.

"No one has been there for like twenty years Beckett, grow up and get dressed," I say pushing his duvet off him. He groans while getting out of bed and slowly makes his way over his closet. I sit on his bed and wait for him patiently. He walks back into the room with black jeans and a black star wars shirt, good enough. We quietly make our way down the stair and successfully make it out the door without being caught. Beckett is by far the worst person to have around when you're trying to silently exit a house; He's so damn loud. We hop in my car and I speed down the road to our destination.

"If we are going to break into somewhere I would like to arrive there in one piece," He speaks with slight fear laced into his words. I smile and speed up, causing him to hold onto the door handle and seat tighter. Pretty soon we arrive at our destination. I park down the street to the water park and we gather torches and I hand a black sock to Beckett.

"Thanks, but I already have socks on," He states pointing to his feet, all my friends are Idiots.

"It's a mask," I remark pulling it over my head showing him that I cut to two wholes out to see through. Beckett blushes at his idiocy and pulls it over his head quietly. We make our way over to the ratty old fence and I begin climbing but stop when I notice Beckett isn't moving.

"Do I need to hold your hand while you climb or something?" I ask putting on a voice you only would put on when talking to a baby, for example, right now.

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