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It's funny how fast time passes when you worry less and just have fun more. I spoke to Beckett two weeks ago and all I've gotten from him was glances. I'm proud that I got all my thoughts out of the open in front of him; he needed to be put in his place. He's turning into the school's bad boy; no longer caring in class and spends his time with females doing god knows what. He's at every party now and every girl stares as he walks past, I must admit, I do look occasionally too, just to see if he's looking at me.

He was officially 'popular' when he was given the title of being captain of the Football team. Being captain of a team in our school is like automatically giving five extra points on your reputation and popularity. Beckett being the captain of the senior football team was news planting itself in everyone's conversations today. Even I conversed in one of them.

"Hey Blade, how was the football meeting?" I smile as I watch him plonks himself beside Charlotte. Mason follows quickly and quietly before sitting next to Blade, our table seems to be growing with people. Blade's jaw is clenched and every action he does look reckless and full of anger.

"Hi," he mutters before aggressively opening up his container and stabbing his pasta with a plastic fork. We all look at him in surprise. I turn to Mason and raise an eyebrow; he looks away and quickly takes a huge bite of his sandwich.

"Wow, did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or something?" Aiden asks raising an eyebrow as Blade continuous to stab pasta and shove it into his mouth.

"He got it! He actually freaking got it!" He snaps talking to no one in particular. We all share a glance around the table seeing if anyone knows what he's talking about.

"Who got what?" I ask gently. The school door opens and out walks Beckett followed by his football posse. He's grinning like usual and all heads turn to him, like usual. All eyes follow him as he walks over to his table, he says something making the table erupt in cheers and high fives directed at Beckett as his grin grows larger. I look back at Blade who staring at Beckett with a hard glare and a clenched jaw that I swear is about to snap, he turns back to me.

"He's been here for two-seconds and look what happens," Blade mutters under his breath. In the corner of my eye I see a football player get on the table and everyone laughing and grinning around him.

"Beckett is captain!" He yells out creating the whole eating area to erupt with applause and cheers directed at a grinning Beckett. Realization hits me and I turn to Blade.

"Blade I'm so sorry," I say to him gently.

"He hasn't even played a full season and he's captain! I've been in that team for three years now and I get thrown in the trash!" He snaps looking directly at me with fire in his eyes. He points a finger at me and I lean back slightly in terror.

"You know who get scholarships? Captains!" He spits. Everyone at the table looks slightly scared at what Blade will do; last year he did something really stupid to the Principals car when he was angry.

"Calm down Blade, there is always next year," I say trying to sooth his anger.

"We graduate this year!" He yells.

"Good point," I mutter trying to think of something else I could say. Blade groans before standing up and shoving the table away from him, shaking all the things on it. We all watch him as he storms his way toward Beckett and his table.

"Mason!" I hiss under my breath. Mason quickly gets up and follows behind Blade and I follow as well. We stand next to Blade silently praying tat he doesn't do something stupid.

"You've been here two-seconds Beckett and you think it's perfectly okay to just take someone's spot on the team?" He yells at Beckett who turns around in his seat and smiles innocently at him.

"Blade c'mon," I say pulling his arm back. Beckett's gaze turns to me and his jaw hardens and his gaze quickly flicks off me when I notice the anger in Beckett's eyes rise.

"Don't be sore loser Blade," He smiles looking up at Blade. Everyone sitting at Beckett's table laughs silently. I turn around and look at my table and wave to them and they all get up and quickly come stand behind Blade, Mason and I.

"Well, then don't be a jerk," Blade snaps back. Beckett chuckle sunder his breath and stands up and some of his posse do the same.

"Stop having a sissy fit and go back to your table before you do something you'll regret," Beckett spits.

"Just because you captain doesn't mean that you can dictate everyone," Blade replies.

"Why? That's what you did last year when you were captain," Beckett states.

"Well, I wasn't a dick about it," Blade replied. Before anything else happens Beckett takes a swing at Blade punching him in the face causing him to stumble back. Blade retaliates by landing one on Beckett face as well and raises his arm for another punch.

"Blade!" I scream holding his arm before he lands another one on Beckett. Blade looks at me and his expression softens and soon he drops his arm.

"This isn't over," Blade states before walking with us inside the hall. I looked at a bloodied up faced Beckett and he smiles.

"Wouldn't have it any other way," He smirks swiping his blood nose.


The last period of the day and I can't stand any more of Mrs. Smith's lecture and I excuse myself to use the toilet. I walk down the empty hallway taking in the beauty of silence in a usually hectic place; the silence doesn't last long. I round a corner and smash into a hard wall, I look up to see that the wall isn't a wall; it's a chest, Beckett's chest.

"Sorry, didn't see you there," He mumbles taking a step back from me. I look up to him in shock; he apologized?

"Um, sorry too," I mumble back, "Good job on getting captain,"

He looks up from the floor and shows a small smile. I smile back at him awkwardly before walking around him and further down the hallway, I can feel his eyes on me but I keep my head up and continue walking.

"I've been a jerk," He whispers loud enough for me to just hear it; I turn around and look at him. He walks up to me but stays a meter or two away.

"I'm sorry-" He begins explaining before I interrupt him.

"You should break up with Charlotte. Leading her on is a bad decision, you'll just break her heart more," I blurt out. He looks at me puzzled and slightly surprised. He opens his mouth to say something but a classroom door bangs open and out walks Blade. Great.

"Hi," Blade says emotionless. Blade stares at Beckett with nothing but anger in his eyes and

"Um, hi," I say breaking up the silence.

"Let's go Sage, no one wants to be around a jerk," Blade says taking my arms and dragging me with him away from Beckett. This is the second time I've left him standing there, alone and shocked, except this time I didn't want to leave him.



If you're still reading this thank you so much for all the votes,comments and reads! They are all deeply appreciated! So sorry if there are any mistakes or grammatical errors I will be editing when the book if finished since there's only three or four chapters left! AHH!

Thank you so,so much!


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