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The World must hate me to put me through all this crap and torment. Not only does Beckett change and completely treat me like crap but also now I have to go break him out jail? I should leave him in there until his parents come back. I should make him suffer the consequences; he did throw the first punch after all. After contemplating about whether or not to relieve him from jail, I sigh and decide to get him after all. I mean what's the worst that can happen?

I enter the police station and make my way over to the office desk.

"Hi I'm Sage Evans, My father should have called about the release of Beckett Thompson," I say smiling sweetly at the receptionist.

"Ah, yes. Mr. Thompson is allowed to leave. Just go through to the gate over there and tell the guard whom you're getting," She explains, pointing to the guard beside the gate. I smile and nod, slowly making my way up to the old looking guard. I tell him whom I'm picking up and he smiles.

"Come through here, he's in the nurse station," The guard says opening the gate with a scan key. I follow him closely and purposely not looking into the occupied cells. The guard knocks on the door and opens the door to see the nurse cleaning Beckett face with a towel.

"Mr. Thompson, You're free to go," The guard says. Beckett's head rises slightly and turns to face me, I can't read his expression but he gets off the hospital bed thanking the nurse and Follows me and the guard out of the cell area and out into the front. Beckett's nose is swollen but he still looks gorgeous, his eyes are red and sparkling in the lights of the building. The guard hands Beckett a letter and we exit the police station in silence. We enter the car and drive on the road in silence. I feel the tension in the air and it only seems to thicken every time we shift uncomfortably in our seats. I shift in my seat and take my hand off the steering wheel and try to turn the radio on, Beckett must have the same idea because my fingers brush against his sending electric waves through my arm and down my spine. I flinch back and my eye contact with Beckett since we entered the car. His green eyes swarm with different emotions before I figure them out he quickly turns away looking down at his hands.

"Why did you get me out of there?" He asks quietly.

"Your parents are away and I was the only one who could get you," I explain shifting uncomfortably in my seat.

"You could have left me in there until they got back," He says still not looking at me.

"Friends don't screw over their friends in a time of crisis, well except your new friends," I mutter the end but he still catches it. He shifts turn his head away from me but I see from the reflection of the window that he's frowning.

"They were just scared of the police that's why they ran," He says defending them.

"I was scared but I didn't leave Blade. Real friends don't ditch their friends," I snap slightly, he sighs and finally looks at me. Silence fills the air again and he stares at my side profile.

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