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"Drink up Sage," Riley smiles tipping my cup towards my mouth. I laugh and take a sip bobbing my head to the thumping music. Someone bumps into me and I push them back telling him or her to watch it. This house was packed with students from our school drinking and acting recklessly. Our football and Basketball team haven't lost any of their games yet and since the term is ending a giant party was held. The only difference from this party and any other party is the fact that he has a pool, a big one. There are already numerous empty bottles sitting at the bottom.

"Don't drink too much Sage, you'll get drunk," Blade smiles taking a sip of his beer. I raise an eyebrow and scoff.

"That's your third beer Blade, I would slow down if I were you," I reply taking a huge sip of mine just to annoy him. He smiles and rolls his eyes.

"The captains here!" Someone yells and the crowd of teenagers scream and cheer as Beckett and his posse enter the giant house. Blade rolls his eyes next to me and Mason pats his shoulder.

"Just because he's the captain doesn't mean is the best player," I say. He looks down at me and shakes his head.

"Sorry but I already take the best player spot," Mason grins, Blade and I both laugh and shake our head. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn around quickly.

"Sage, Its Charlotte. Beckett broke up with her last night and she drank to much," Rebecca explains worriedly. Poor Charlotte, she liked Beckett so much. I follow her through the crowd and games and up the stairs where she follows me down a dark hallway and walks into a bedroom; sitting on the bed is Riley cradling a whimpering Charlotte. She looks like a mess, her top is ripped in the middle and her hair looks like a birds nest with her makeup running down her face.

"Char, I'm so sorry," I say crouching down so she can see my face. She sniffs and looks up to meet my sympathetic eyes.

"He just broke up with me. He didn't give me a reason," She whimpers. I gulp and start to feel guilty.

"I told him to break up with you," I blurt out, everyone ones eyes turn to me.

"What? Why?" Charlotte asks sitting up and away from Riley.

"He cheated on you Char, I told him to break up with you because it wasn't right just dragging you along when he was treating you so badly," I explain, she looks at me with slight anger before he face softens and tear fall slowly down her face. I place my hand on her knee.

"I'm sorry," I say. She smiles at me weakly before saying she wants to go home. Riley helps her up and she takes her down stairs and leaves.

"He really cheated on her?" Bec asks as we walk own the stairs and back into the thumping party.

"Yeah with Janie," I say casting my eyes over Beckett who's playing beer pong in the living room.

"He's changed Sage," She sighs, "But if he's happy like that we can't do anything,"

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