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Is it weird that someone can look complete different and change within just three weeks? I know three weeks is extremely short period of time for someone to change their appearance but apparently it's not impossible

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Is it weird that someone can look complete different and change within just three weeks? I know three weeks is extremely short period of time for someone to change their appearance but apparently it's not impossible. I know this for a fact because this happened to Beckett, Please let me explain.

It's Friday and I'm finally free from cooking and cleaning. I felt like Cinderella that whole three weeks I even started to talk to the birds outside. Anyway, I was free and happy as hell. I couldn't wait to get out of my house and feel the fresh breeze on my skin and the grass tickle my toes. It's Friday and Beckett promised to be outside waiting for me to escape from hell. I run to the door after stuffing my mouth with breakfast and quickly open it to find someone standing outside turned away from the door.

"You're not Beckett!" I announce.

It wasn't Beckett. It couldn't be. Beckett was paler then Casper but this boy had sun kissed skin that looked like it was glowing. Beckett was skinny and scrawny but this guy had muscles on him. Beckett was tall and lean but this guy had Broad shoulders and stood straight. Beckett was tall but I pretty sure this random guy was taller,well at least looked taller. Beckett has slightly long hair but according to the back of this guy's head he has short. The guy turns around and I gasp.

"That's really funny Sage," Beckett smiles showing his white teeth. My arms drops from the door to my side as my jaw drops. It was Beckett, but not the same Beckett I hurt three weeks ago.

"" I struggle to find words,I find the only possible resolution for this event, "WITCHERY!"

I yell and slamming the fly wire door behind me staring at a confused Beckett through the wire. Beckett smile grows bigger. Beckett's sun kissed skin makes his teeth seem more white and makes his green eyes sparkle.Eyes! He isn't wearing his glasses! I stare at this new Beckett and slowly process this massive change of appearance. His facial features are so much stronger,his jawline is sharper and his cheekbones look higher, together he looks drop dead gorgeous. Beckett was gorgeous before in a kind of shy and nice guy look but this new look makes him look drop dead gorgeous. I think I might faint.

"Who are you?' I finally find some words that form a proper sentence.

"Um, Beckett Thompson?" He replies hesitantly.

"Your different," I announce walking towards him with my jaw still hanging open. Is it weird that I feel way smaller now because he's towering over me? Beckett grins but it quickly fades when I don't say anything else. I'm to busy gawking at him to talk. My jaw is hanging open,if I don't close it soon I think I'll drool.

"Do you not like it? I did what you told me to do," He says quickly asking for my approval of his new look.

"No, you look really good! It was just a huge surprise!" I say reassuring him. I quickly look away since I haven't stop staring since I saw him. I invite him inside and we make our way into my bedroom.

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