Chapter 2

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Annie's POV
it's been 2 days and i've just been laying in Hayden's bed,
i know the punch wasn't that big of a deal but just the fact that i also have to go to school with her, it's just to much, i still haven't showed Hayden the bruise because it's really bad and I know he will get mad I think I may show them today,
he is so sweet he's been so understanding of this, i just want to be alone and think, Hayden is downstairs and i'm here laying down, i haven't touched my phone in 2 days, but i don't want to i can not imagine the rude things that liv is putting out there to millions of people

, i get the courage to stand up i grab my phone and walk downstairs, i go to the door and i start to put my shoes on,
Hayden comes over surprised, "you got out of bed" he said, yeah, i'm going to the park wanna come? he agrees and i open the door and shut it again, i turn around and look at Hayden
, "it's pretty cold" i said, he laughs and grabs two sweaters and hands one to me, it's big for me but it makes it more comfy.
Hayden's POV
Annie has gotten out of bed and i'm really happy because even when we were "just friends" we would always hang out, i've been pretty bored for 2 days
we arrived at the park and Annie sits on the swings i knew she was thinking of something, i ask her what's on her mind
"just thinking"
i have a feeling that it's negative thoughts, i don't want her to think bad about herself, she's perfect.
Annie takes out her phone and i try to see what she's doing and she stands up and goes over to the grass, she motioned me to come over, i sit down and she lays her head on my lap, i stroke her hair while she texts someone, i see the name "Caleb" i ask her why she's texting him, she shows me her phone with the messages:
A) Hey Caleb i was wondering if we could chat for a second.
C) yess ans for sure, what's up?
A) Liv's here.
C) What...
A) you know when i went out with Hayden he other day?
C) yes..
A) she punched me in the stomach pretty bad.
C) Annie, i'm going to kill her
A) i'm okay, just wanted to let you know
C) i'm keeping an eye out for her, if she comes near you again, she's gonna he in the hospital. love you ans.
A) love you too bubba.
I'm literally freezing i say to Hayden. he laughs and stands up, we walk hand and hand back to my place, "want to go in the hot tub?" i ask, he agrees.
Hayden's POV
i'm glad Annie is feeling better, when she asked if i wanted to go in the hot tub i said yes 1) because i was freezing and 2) because i want to see the bruise on her stomach and i know she only has two piece bathing suits
, we head to my house and i change and then we go to Annie's, i'm waiting for her out side while she changes,

i hear the door open and i see Annie, i loom down and see the bruise, it's huge Annie! i say, she replied with "i know Hayden!!"
i go inside and grab some cream and i put it on the bruise, me and and Caleb are the only ones that know about it and Annie wants to keep it secret because she doesn't want her family to make a big deal out of it
even thought it is kinda a big deal, i'm going to respect her decision and just keep it to my self.

hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's kind of getting better i guess, i'm not a good writer, but also i didn't proof read this so sorry for any mistakes, i'm a very lazy person!!!
word count : 700
comment :) if you want more!

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