Chapter 6

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Annie's POV
so its been about 2 months of school and liv is really bothering me.
up to the point where everything i think is negative, me and Hayden are still dating, our 4 month anniversary is coming up,
i'm so excited, it is Thursday so me and Hayden have rehearsal from 7-9am so we're going to be late to school,
we are on our way and i'm so excited because we might be performing one of our songs on chicken girls!

Hayden's POV
i have something amazing planned for mine and Annie's 4 month anniversary, and i'm finally going to say 3 words that is going to make her day
"i love you"
when i see other people getting a significant other, they say i love you after 2 days of dating, i love you is special words that aren't just there, you need to mean it when you say it,
or there's really no point to the words,
i'm taking Annie to a restaurant,
and then we are going to the beach and watch the sunset.

Liv's POV
i've been planning on ruining Annie's and Hayden's relationship for about a month now, and with the help of some friends,
it's going to be epic..

Hayden's POV
we are rehearsing right now and Annie just looks so beautiful, i can't believe she's mine.

*skip to when there arriving at school*

Annie's POV
we arrive at school and it's a free period, i head to the bathroom so i can fix my hair and when i walk in i see liv and her friends,
i ignore them, she broke the silence with "ooo they let you go to the bathroom by yourself?"  "yeah when are you gonna start" i said
and walked out, i felt proud of that one,
plus they didn't punch me like the last few times, i haven't told Hayden, or anybody because they said if i did they would ruin my life,
i need to tell Hayden, i really do.

Caleb's POV
i don't feel that well so i stayed home from school, i ate some waffles but i don't want to eat anything else,
i'm not hungry, i'm just tired, i'm going to take a nap.

A) hey wanna come over and finish the last bit of our science homework?
H) yeah sure be over in 5
read at 6:47
Annie's POV
i really hate homework, but doing it with Hayden makes it better.

"Annie i don't get this question" Hayden says "me either, i'm going to get Caleb maybe he can help" i walk out and go to wake him up Hayden comes with me, "heyyyy bubba" "we need you're help with a science question" "bubba?" "Caleb?!" i'm shaking him but he's not moving "CALEB!!" me and Hayden keep shaking him
what if he's ....

"Caleb Logan Leblanc"
we are here today, to celebrate the life of Caleb Logan, i cry as i hear that. i can't believe my brother is gone. just like that.

*skip to after the funeral"
i can't take this, my brother just passed, liv bullying me at school, it's to much, i can't handle it. i hate my life, i hate my life, i hate my life.
*2 weeks later*
Hayden's POV
Annie hasn't gone back to school yet, i've been taking her homework to her, and i've been helping her,
sometimes if she really bad, and really upset i stay home with her and comfort her, it's hit me hard too,
it's not easy on anyone.

Hayley's POV
i put a smile on my face and act like everything's okay, but it's not, people think i'm the strong one in the family,
i'm not, i'm just as weak as anyone else, but i don't show it, i keep it hidden,
we've started vlogging again but Annie hasn't been on the vlogs at all, she doesn't stop crying and she's not eating,
i think this has hit her harder than anyone else in the family,
he was so close to Annie, he always protected her, im homeschooled because i go to gym still, so he never needed to protect me.
i miss my bubba.

Annie's POV
Hayden hasn't left my side in 2 days,i go back to school in a few days, it's going to be hard, people making fun of me and Caleb not there to stop them,
or help me through it, being back on the vlogs, back to singing, back to chicken girls, and the worst, back to liv,
she doesn't give me a break, mom doesn't even know that liv lives around here,
i don't want to tell her, i'm just keeping this between me Hayden and well Caleb,
i don't believe he's gone, i can't believe it, it's just not true.

*Back to school*
Annie's POV
i go back today, back to where Caleb stood up for me, where i felt safe,
but this time he's not with me, he's not walking out to the bus stop with me and Hayden being the third wheel, he's not late for school, he's not there to act like my body guard or make jokes,
he's just not there.
me and Hayden arrive at school and Hayden whispers to me "we don't have to do this today you know"  i grab his hand and we walk in together,
i go to my locker and Jayden and her boyfriend Carson come over,
we chat for a while, nobody brings up Caleb and i'm very thankful for that
i'm not ready to talk about him, and i don't think i ever will be.
during lunch we sit at our normal table, it's not the same without bubba sitting across from me making weird faces to me and Hayden
but it's the way it is
i'll have to get used to it.

heyyyy i hope you liked this chapter ITS A LONG ONE! i told you i would put a long one!!! I DIDN'T PROOF READ!!  thank you so much for 70 views on my story!! it means a lot and it may not be a lot to you but it is to me!!! but i'm going to upload chapters once or twice a day, but today i've uploaded like 4 but oh well haha
WC: 1052

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