Chapter 19

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     Annie's POV
i'm okay, i his and got away from them. i'm currently running. i don't know where to, i'm just running
i hear a voice scream. it was Katie i haven't spoke to her in forever..i stop, i turn around she looks at me. she points to her car. i run up to her she gets in the car and taps on the passenger seat. i open the door and sit down. "why are you running?" she asks
"someone grabbed me, he/she was wearing a black mask. they tried to put me in a trunk but i got away" i say trying not to cry,
"so i got out and ran, i'm trying to get back to Hayden. i don't want him to worry" i say staring at her. she pulls in to Starbucks "2 pink drinks please" she still remembers what i get. i smile and say thank you. "i'm going to take you home" she says while getting the drinks from the girl "thank you,then you can come sit and we can catch up if you want" i say trying not to sound annoying she just smiles."hey can i use you're phone for a sec? i ask "sure" she passes it to me.
—————————calling——————————-                *A= Annie H=Hayden*
A- Hey Hayden! i just wanted to call you and let you know i'm okay! i'll be home soon!
H- Annie! where were you!
A- ill explain when i get home! see you in five!!
*Annie pulls in driveway*
"Hayden!!" i yell as i get out of the car i run into his arms and hug him.
"wait!!" i yell as Katie pulls out of the drive way. "don't you want to stay and chat?" i say looking surprised, "actually my mom wants me home, another time?" i nod. i wave as she pulls out. "what happened?" "are you okay?" "are you hurt?" "Hayden! enough with the questions" i say laughing.
i explain everything to Hayden and he just hugs me.
"why does everything happen to me?" i ask. he just stays quite. we fall asleep.

*TIME SKIP! they are 19 now*

Annie's POV
"Hayden!!" "come on! we need to go look at the house! we're already late!" i yell while putting my shoes on. today we are going to look at an apartment for us.
we are finally adults. we need our space. my mom agreed that we should get our own apartment, it's best for all of us.
Paige and her husband lives with them now, so there's not a lot of room.
i sit in the passenger seat and check instagram. Hayden runs out and hops in the car, "ready?" i ask "yes" he kisses me on the lips.
we drive off to meet with the guy who is selling the house.
we arrive and take a quick tour.
-2 bathrooms
- 3 bedrooms
- 1 kitchen
- 1 living room
it was pretty small but it was just for right now. we are ready to start our lives together.
"we love this house" hayden says we do some paper work. the house is ours!

*skip to when there moving*

Hayden's POV
today's the last day we are going to be in this house, moving into an apartment is going to be fun. of course we will miss the family and being around so many people. but the apartment isn't that far away. a few blocks. i write Annie a note since she wasn't awake 

Dear Annie:
i'm heading out to unpack some of the things. i will be back around 3. we will eat out! i love you -Hayden

i grab the car keys and walk out to the car.

Annie's POV
i wake up around 11, i go downstairs to see if Hayden was down there, i thought it was weird he wasn't. i went to the fridge to get some juice and i see a note. he's going to unpack a bit. i pour my juice and walk into the living room. "hey Hay!" i say as she opens her laptop. "doin school?" she nods i pull out my laptop and start editing a youtube video.

i check the time and it's 1pm, i go to my room and get a shower. i get my clothes on, i wear this:

 i get my clothes on, i wear this:

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and this hairstyle:

i watch some youtube and play with the dogs until Hayden comes at 3

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i watch some youtube and play with the dogs until Hayden comes at 3.

hey ans! i'm back! he comes over and kisses me. i walk around. it's not like this is my last time in this house my parents live here.
i look at my empty bedroom and all the memories i had. as i was walking out the door Hayley runs up to me.
"Annie can i help unpack and decorate?" she says in excitement.
i look at Hayden and he nods. "sure hay" she smiles and walks out.

we stop at chipotle on the way to the house. we get to the house and start to unpack.
we were decorating and organizing, today was going to be the least favourite day in this house. unpacking sucks, but when you're doing it with the people you love.
it's not that bad.

Hayley's POV
I know Annie said that i can visit whenever but i will miss her so much.
i don't want her and Hayden to leave, they were so fun to be around and so caring.
when my friends left me they would always stay with me. when i was upset they would comfort me. when i needed them most, they were there. me and Annie told each other everything. who is going to be my personal diary. who am i going to bug, it's not going to be the same. mom has dad, Paige has her husband. i'm stuck. i don't have that many friends. it's not that easy to make them.

Annie's POV
the house looks amazing. we hung up pictures of all of us and our family.

Hey! long chapter! comment if you ship hannie!
WC: 1005

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