Chapter 24

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Annie's POV
i haven't told Hayden about the note yet. i'm about to.
"Hayden!" "can you come here for a sec" i holler from downstairs. he comes down and sits next to me. "What's up" he asks sounding worried. "Well" i start. then i show him the note. he looks really mad.
then someone is banging on the door.
"get upstairs Annie!! he hollers bringing me to the stairs. i try to get up them as fast as i fan with my huge stomach. i go upstairs and lock myself in my room. then i hear someone coming up the stairs. i'm praying it's Hayden.
i don't move. then someone comes in.
it's Brennan.
"Brennan!! how did you get in the door was locked" he looked down at my stomach.
he pushes me to the bed and take off my clothes. "why are you so obsessed with sex!!" i yell. then he covers my mouth.
"Brennan stop!" i mumble he takes off his clothes and i hear knocks at the door.
i start to cry. he started to do it but Hayden busted the door down.
he grabbed Brennan and pushed him to the floor. he kneed him
*where the sun don't shine* and he fell to the floor. i run out of the room and lock myself in the bathroom. the police were already on there way.
i decided to text Katie. she's not going to believe anything i say. but i text her anyway.

A= Annie K= Katie

A- Hey. i know you're not going to believe me or care. maybe deny it but i'm not sure. you're brother was just here Katie. he tried to rape me. luckily Hayden stepped in.

K- Annie. i do believe you. i'm so sorry i didn't before. i need to talk to you. i'm coming over. be there in 5

A- See you soon.

she cares? she actually cares? i hear i knock at the door. i stay silent. "It's Hayden. Open up" i slowly open the door. Hayden's Bloody and bruised. "HAYDEN!" i say as i pull in him in the bathroom. man Brennan's strong.
i get a cloth and the first aid kit and fix him up.
"where is he?" i ask "Knocked out" i walk out of the bathroom and i see Brennan laying on the floor.
"thank god" i sigh in relief.

the police come into the house and handcuff Brennan. they take him out to the ambulance. Katie walks in while we were walking down the stairs. she runs up to me and hugs me so tight. she looks down "you're pregnant?!" she says looking surprised. i smile with tears in my eyes. "to twins!" i say she smiles and congratulated me.
"Hayden, can me and Katie be alone for a second?" i ask kissing him, he nods and walks upstairs. me and Katie sit down on the couch. "what's up?" i ask her.
"well, since Brennan got out of jail. he's been beating me" she lifts up her shirt. i see a fresh cut on top of a black bruise. "oh my god Katie! when did he do this!" i say pointing to the worse bruise on her ribs. "right before he left to come here. i was going to text you to warn you but he hit me so hard and locked me in a room. i wasn't able to get out until i picked the lock" she says almost crying.
"He's been threatening me. hitting me, and hurting me pretty bad" she says, i go get ice to put on her bruise.
"i'm so glad he's with the police now" i say to her. she hugs me "i'm so sorry that i didn't believe you before" she says crying. "the past is the past, let's forget about it" i say calmly.

*5 months later*

we are in the car going to Carson's house. we're visiting him and some of his new friends. we arrive and Hayden helps me out of the car. the babies are due in about 20 days and my stomach is absolutely huge. i waddle to the door and Hayden opens it. Carson gives me a hug and does his stupid bro shake thing with Hayden. i walk inside and i see Jayden, Mackenzie and some boy.
Carson comes over. "Annie this is Johnny." he tells me. you basically know the rest he says laughing. we sit down. "you're pregnant?" Mackenzie asked. i nod "with twins" Hayden adds. "Damn Hayden, when you do something you really do it" Carson says while laughing.
we decided to have a sleepover here. we play a few games and fall asleep.

- AGH i yell in the middle of the night. i scare the shit out of Hayden. "Baby what's wrong?" he asks me looking concerned and scared.

"my water broke"

SORRY FOR THE LATE CHAPTER!im trying to make plans with my friends! but here's a kinda long one! thanks for reading! we're almost at 4k views. that's CrAZy we hit 3k like yesterday! whattt
anyway. my chapters keep erasing. i had about 6 made up and wattpad erased them all? can someone help!

WC: 862

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