Sequel- Chapter 1

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Annie's POV
*phone ringing*
A- Hello
K- Hey Ans!!
A- Hey Katie
A- What's up? we haven't talked in a while!
K- i know. i need your help.
A- what's up!
K- Well. i think i'm going into labor.
K- yes..
A- who's the dad!?
K- Carson. please help he's gone out and he won't answer the phone.
A- me and Hayden are on the way Katie!
K- thank you
"Hayden! Let's go!" i yell pulling him off the couch. "Where?!" he asks looking at his watch.

i dial MaryKates number
A- Hey MaryKate!
Mk- Hey ans, what's up?!
A- can you come over?! i need you to watch the twins. emergency!
Mk- Yes! be there in 3 minutes.
A- thanks so much
"Annie. what's wrong?" Hayden says looking confused and concerned. "are you losing your mind?" he asks laughing. "Hayden. Katie's going into labor!!" i say throwing on my coat. "we need to get to her the hospital, she's alone!" i add on.
"Oka- wait! who's the father?" he asks.
"Carson enough with the questions" i say calling Katie.

A- we're on our way. i'll see you in five
K- Please hurry

MaryKate arrives and we rush out the door.
we arrive at Katie's and me and Hayden run into her house and help her out to the car.

i get into the backseat with Katie and hold her hand. "Annie! another contraction" she says squeezing my hand. i breathe with her and help her. "Ah. Annie? can you come here for a sec?" Hayden says motioning me to his mouth. "we're ah. stuck in traffic." he says. i try to stay calm. it's hard to because another human life is about to be born any second. "Katie. looks like i'm delivering your baby" i say rolling up my sleeves. she nods. i throw on some Gloves. "Okay. your going to push on this one!" i say as Hayden pulls over. "Ready?" i ask her. she nods and her construction starts. "push Katie!"

and just like that. a beautiful baby boy was born. and i delivered it.  we reach the hospital and Katie was in tears we call for a doctor and Katie and the baby were rushed off into a room. "you did it babe, now you can say you delivered a baby before!" Hayden says laughing.

we go in and visit Katie

a healthy baby boy. "aweee" i say walking over to him. "thank you so much Annie" Katie says almost crying. i hug her "we gotta get home to the twins, feel free to bring him over whenever!" i say waving to Katie.

"wheres the two most beautiful babies at!" i say in my baby voice. "Hey Ans, can you come here for a second?" Hayden asks. i walk over "what's up?" i ask. "well the babies 2nd birthday is coming up, what do you want to do?" he asks. "we will figure that out later, okay?" i ask. he nods and i walk over to the babies. i pick up Madeline and put her on my lap "mama, hungry" she says pulling at my shirt. i grab a blanket and feed her. Hayden was making supper for us. it was about 7:30 but we had a long day with Katie. "i'm gonna put them to bed, be right down!" i say picking up Caleb.
Hayden's POV
i'm making Annies favourite for supper. Lasagna. we are going to watch some movies and eat. basically what we always do on a Friday night.

Hey hope you enjoyed Chapter 1 of the sequel, the others will be longer. i've just been busy with school. i think i'm going to post 1 time every 2-3 days because i'll make the chapters
1000 words or something. i'm on the bus. not when i post it but i'm currently on the bus😂

WC: 647

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