Chapter 25

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                      {my water broke}

Hayden's POV
Annie's water just broke. she's 20 days early. i stand up and help Annie up. i grab are already prepared hospital bag and walk out. "WAKE UP!" i yell and everyone comes out of there rooms yawning. "what is it Hayden" everyone asks "ANNIES WATER BROKE" they all freak out. we help Annie out to the car and drive to the hospital. Carson calls Annie's parents and Hayley on the way there
(MK= Mrs Katie, C=Carson)
MK- Hello?
C= Hey mrs Katie.
MK- Carson? why are you calling so late?
C- Annie's going into labor, were on our way to the hospital now!
MK- i'm going to grab Hayley and Billy, we will be there shortly.
Hayden's POV (still)

*at hospital*

Wheelchair! Wheelchair! I go in talking really loud almost yelling but not quite. "Hayden Shush! i'm not dying" she laughs. Annie's sits in a wheelchair and Carson, Jaydon, Kenzie, Johnny and i were sitting in the seats. "Annie Leblanc?" the nurse said walking to Annie "you're room is ready" she said grabbing onto the wheelchair. "Good luck!" everyone says as we walk into the room.

Annie's POV
i'm all sweaty. i was nervous for this day but i didn't think it would come this fast. Hayden holds onto my hand as another contraction comes. "up for visitors?" Carson says peaking his head through the door frame. "common in" i say breathing heavy.
"ahh that ones over" i say in relief.
my parents arrive, they come straight to the room and Katie was with them. Katie comes and hugs me. "Good luck ans, love you" she says with tears in her eyes.
everyone left to wait in the waiting room.

"Another contraction" the nurse says. "push on this one" she flips open the little curtain thing that was over my legs.

(bit to detailed but oh whale 🐳)

Push! Push! Push!

Boom. two healthy babies were born. the girl at 3:21 Am and the boy at 3:28. i'm all sweaty and crying and emotional. Hayden sits down next to me. "I'm so proud of you" he says while pecking me on the lips.

and then we hold the two beautiful babies i've ever seen. that we have brought into this world.
"Names?" i ask Hayden we think for a while and we think of the perfect names.

Carson,Mom, Dad Hayley, Katie, Kenzie,Jayden and Johnny walk in. "shhhh" Hayden says while putting his finger up to his mouth. "oh my god look how cute these babies are!" Carson says whispering.
"what are the names?" Hayley asked.
well. we have been thinking. and we are going to name the girl Madeline- after Hayden's mom who Passed and the boy Caleb my brother who also passed.
Hayley smiled.
"beautiful names" Carson and Jayden said.

that was one of the best days of my life. i brought two beautiful healthy babies into this world. Katie stays with us while everyone else goes home. 
she stayed at the hospital with us for about another hour. then she went home. Hayden changed and fell asleep with me. Best day ever.
Thanks for reading this chapter! sorry nothing interesting Happened but here's where the babies were born. next chapter coming tomorrow! sorry for the short chapter!
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