Chapter 17

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Hayden's POV
i fell asleep at Annie's last night. i woke up and went downstairs and let Annie sleep. i see Hayley on her phone." whatcha doing Hay" i look at her phone and she's looking at pictures of Ryan.
i think that's that kid from flipping Katie? "he's my friend, we go to school together" she says. "soooo it's a friend?" i say while making quotation marks between the word "friend" with my fingers. she laughs and continues to look.
"want something to eat?" i ask her. i was walking down to  MacDonald's anyway.
"sure!" she reply's back.
i grab my phone and walk out the door. i go get MacDonalds for the girls and i. i also grab some Starbucks. i walk back.
hey anns! i see Annie outside on the trampoline. i brought you something!
come in!
i yell, she runs in Annie's and Hayley sit on the couch, i go upstairs to get a blanket but i hear a phone ding. i look around and it's Annie's.
i didn't want to look but you know when someone's phones like right there.
and someone is texting them, you kinda already looked. even though you didn't want to, that's what happened it was from a unknown number, i look at the text and it says
"brake up with Hayden or you're dead"
i delete the message, i'm not leaving Annie's side.
i go back downstairs with the blanket and some pillows and i sit between Annie and Hayley.
they both have there head on my chest.
they were almost asleep when we heard a loud bang from outside, it scared the girls half to death. i tell them to go hide.
i run upstairs and look out the window and there's a guy banging the door. i grab a baseball bat because that's the closest thing to me. i run upstairs with them. we're hiding in the bathroom. we're looking out the window. all of a sudden..

CLIFHANGER!! HAH SORRY IM ON THE  BUS! sorry for short chapter! but i'm posting another one later!
Wc: 348

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