Chapter 18

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Annie's POV
i'm scared, so scared.
hayden decided to call the police. mom and dad weren't home. not like we see them much anyway, he gets off the phone but i hear another loud bang. i try to ignore it but if the police don't get here fast, they are going to bust the door down. me and Hayley are in tears.
it's scary. i mean someone is willing to brake down you're door to hurt you.

Hayden's POV
the police are on there way. i try to act like everything will be okay. because the girls are scared, but to be honest i'm not 100% sure.
it's creepy. i don't know who's out there.  all of a sudden i hear something louder then a bang, i think they broke the door down i lock the door. i'm not telling Hayley that i think they broke the door down, she will be more scared, "shush!!" i say to them while putting my finger up to my mouth.

Annie's POV
i hear something louder then a bang. i automatically think "they broke the door down" i'm pretty sure Hayden knows that too i don't say anything, neither does Hayden. "Annie, Hayley, we need to leave! we need to get out of here" "it's not safe" Hayden whispers we look around, i don't know how we will be able to get out,  all of a sudden the banging stops. we wait a few minutes until we walk out, i need to be sure.
we walk out, Hayden first then Hayley then me.
-AGH! i scream as someone pulls me out of the hallway, they were running . i started screeming and they covered my mouth with there hand. i don't know who this is! i try to get away but they squeeze me so tight i pass out.

Hayden's POV
i hear Annie scream. i look behind me and shes not there, i tell Hayley to go back in the bathroom and lock the door, i look around for Annie, then the police show up, they looked around downstairs first, then they came up to see me.
"this person wearing a black mask beat the door down and took my girlfriend! please help!!" i say as a year rolls down my cheek, they nod and walk back downstairs, i wipe the tears and tell Hayley she can come out. "pack you're bags, you're spending a few nights at my house" i say grabbing her hand to take her to her room.

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