Chapter 9

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Hayley's POV
i don't really know what's happening, im in the trunk of a old car i think, i don't know what is going on but i'm worried,
i can't tell who these people are because they had black masks on. i'm so scared and i really hope mommy is coming.
*the car stops*
they open the trunk and yell at me to get out, i can't really do it myself because i'm wrapped in tape, i struggle to get out and they hit me with this big wooden thing,
i don't know what it was but it hurt really bad, i finally get out and they grab on my arm and take me into this weird cabin thing,
it's in the middle of nowhere all i see is trees, there's this cage thing it's huge so i can fit in there but they take off the tape and shove me and lock me into it, i start to cry and then they hit me through the holes,
"keep crying wimp"
"you'll find out what happens"
i stop myself from crying.

Annie's POV
i don't know why i let this happen, i don't even know why someone would be out for Hayley, she's such a sweet girl,
i'm so worried right now, i'm hurt that someone would do this.

Hayley's POV
they took me out of the cage after leaving for about 20 minutes and they duck tape me to a chair,
they start punching me and hitting me with branches and leaving cuts and bruises on me, i'm basically purple and black,
i pass out.

Kidnappers POV
i took Hayley for revenge, i hate that Hayden and Annie are together so i took the only person Annie had left, i feel bad for torturing Hayley because shes only 10.
(a/n i changed Hayley's age)
but i need to get back at Annie for being with Hayden,
Hayden doesn't deserve her.

Ms Katie's POV
i'm holding back my tears, i need to be strong and be confident that we will find Hayley, thinking negative won't make anything better, this is my baby,
i can't lose another child,
i can't.

Hayley's POV
i wake up but i don't open my eyes, i don't want them to see that i'm awake and i don't want to see the bruises and cuts all over my body,
i would start to cry,
i'm listening to what these 2 people are talking about, the voices sound like i've heard them before, but i don't know where.
i keep my eyes shut and listen to what they are saying
"i just want revenge"
"i feel bad though"
that's all i heard then i opened my eyes and i see the police,
they opened the door to the cabin,
they don't see me right away they see the two people that look like.?
what the hell, i don't know why they would do this to me,
the police arrest them and they come over and un tape me and take me to the hospital in a different police car.
i'm crying so much, the police are trying to ask me questions about what happened but the answers weren't coming out.
i finally was able to answer some of there questions in between sobs before i fell asleep in the back of the car.

Heyyy thanks for 300 views on my story!! here's the next one! i think i'm gonna write a bunch more chapters today and post them throughout the week, maybe? i don't know but hey plot twist here!! also i am writing a new book also, it's basically Hayley's journal, !! stay tuned for that! comment any ideas you have and i'll shout you out!! thanks for reading!
- em
WC: 631

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