Chapter 11

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*sorry if it doesn't make complete sense, i didn't proof read*

Annie's POV
it's been about a week, Hayley came home 3 days ago, she's okay, liv is getting charged, i guess that's good? but it was some birthday, were on the set of chicken girls
, when Hayley comes back as harmony there going to try to fit Hayley's cuts and bruises into the scenes.
i've been filming with Hayden for 3 days in a row, we have to film much more, we leave school at about 1:30 instead of 2:30.
*writing in diary*
Hayley was home from the hospital for 3 days and i can't help but blame myself, if i had of been spending time with her instead of pushing her away.
she wouldn't have wanted to go outside and take a breath, she wouldn't be laying in her bed with cuts and bruises, i wouldn't have to see my sister go through all this pain.
i know things happen for a reason, but sometimes i wish i knew what the reason was.
*end of writing*
Hayley's POV
i'm so sore, this is the most pain i've went through, the medicine they put on my cuts to make them heal without leaving a scar, hurts so bad, i cry for about 10 minutes after they put it on, i'm so stupid, why did i go outside at night, i know moms rules, but i was just mad that my sister didn't want to be with me. it's my fault.

Hayden's POV
i'm helping Annie with her homework, she doesn't seem to be focused, she says she'll be right back, and i see her leave with a pink book, "where are you going?" i asked "bathroom" she was trying to hide the book, but i watched her grab it.

Annie's POV
"want to watch a movie?" i ask
"yep" i put on the movie and i lay on his lap, i'm starting to fall asleep, "i'm gonna head home it's late" Hayden whispers,
"nooo stay here" i whined.
he smiled and laid down.


i woke up really early and went to the store, i bought some ice cream for hayley and some chocolates for annie, i
walked back to their place before they woke up, mr billy and ms Katie weren't home because they were working.
i went upstairs and checked if hayley was awake, i peep in the door and i see her watching fuller house, "still watching it huh?" i say, "yep not much to do when you're in so much pain" she says,
"i've got somthing to help that hay"
*hands her ice cream*
"hayden you're the best! thank you"
i hear as i walk out, i go to annie's room and see if she's sleepkmg, she was so i just put on the tv and went on my phone before she woke up, "morning babe" i hear, "goodmorning. i got somthing for youu" *hands her chocolates

i wrote this on the bus lol
WC: 525

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