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Morning arised quickly and it didn't give much time for us to head to the dry lands on the other side of the island.

We did manage to get there though and it was still morning. We had no choice but to train in every habitat possible to prepare for all situations in the future.

Soon Coral came next to me with a mischievous smile on her face. "So, My Dearest Star, what were you and Mason talking about last night because I was well aware that you pair were a bit far from the tribe and inside the darkest shadows of the forest...hmmmm?" She smirked at me and I did not think what she did was humoures or enything but childsplay.

"That would be none of your concern Coral and you must be well aware about my intentions towards your brother, now if you excuse me, I would like to keep my eyes around myself. You are aware that this is one of the parts of the island where very dangerous creatures lerk!" I exclaimed. I must say I was a bit rude but she knows me well and I have alot to keep my conscious on.


Last night after me and Crystal...I mean Star had an exciting talk, I couldn't help but notice my sister Coral was trying to hide behind a bush on my way back but the moment I saw her I grabbed her as fast as I could. If Star would have seen her eavesdropping, Coral would be in huge trubble. She tried to get out of me what our conversation was about. She came to late to hear enything but the sight of us was enough to draw her attention. She never really had the nosy personality, only when it came to me and Star...I liked Crystal in a way she wouldn't understand and only Coral knew how I felt... She never could make out how Crystal felt, no one ever can, Crystal is the best at hiding feelings.

She never noticed my feelings as she read me because she thinks it as hers, she doesn't really understand love for another person, only care... SOMETIMES!

I heard Crystal rase her voice at Coral as they were speaking. It got all my attention off my thoughts and into the moment. Pitty...I was actually enjoying my thoughts.

"What is of matter Star?" I asked trying to sooth them but nope that made it worse.
"STOP EAVESDROPPING, MASON THIS IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN AND YOU SHOULDN'T BE QUESTIONING ME!" They both shouted simultaneously at me and directly after that Coral Punched me in the face making me greet the ground proudly with my face. Crystal gave Coral a look of disgust as if she killed her true love. She held her hand out to me and I couldn't help but smile when she did. I took her hand as she pooled me up and the next thing I know...There was a knee in my ribs, a fist straight into my face and just as my body felt limp I noticed a few cracks that I heard. My ribs and nose was broken.

As the darkness consumed me all I could hear was Coral laughing and then the whole tribe.

I mean, I know I deserve a punch but not that many and not that hard or people laughing at me while my body feels like one of the trees Crystal uses to puch! The trees don't last long enyway, she punches them into shreads in literally one day or well after training hours. Come to think of it... I have never seen her sleep before!



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The next morning, I sent Mason to do dubble training because he missed yesterday!

He was all healed up through the night from the herbs we gave him to heal. He was mot happy when he woke.

"Your Maje-- Star!! My apologies, we need you urgently by the beach! There are visitors! They haven't seen us but I get the feeling they will soon..." Sage trailed off as she exclaimed the situation with wide eyes and a very pale face.

"Calm down dear warrior. A true warrior never shows fear dear one. What are they?" Every word that came out my mouth was as calm as it ever could be. My calm tone soothed her as her breathing calmed.

"Hu-humans...there a-are humans on the land S-star" She stuttered a bit.

Now I was ferious! Humans are not to be here, it is not a rule but we try and keep them away.

I ran with my powers as fast as I could...I was faster and stronger than eny other animal in the world. I had senses that some wish to poses but you have to be strong enough to poses it.

I came to the beach and saw the humans swim to the shore. Afar I could see a ship, it was crashed against 'The All Mighty Sharp Rock'. There wasn't much damage, it could be fixed easily.

The Ship

The Ship

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