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Calc Math was really easy. Some people started to look at me strangely after we had a pop quiz and I was finished in five minutes. I also had everything correct, wich surprised everybody in class, as well as the teacher. History was boring, I knew it all already and I bet I can explain everything even better. Not one person could even say one perfect sentence in French class. Me and the teacher even had a fluent conversation in French.

It was now Lunch and I was strolling through the halls of the school on my way to the library. Before the end of French, I asked the teacher for directions. People were still staring at me and never said enything, so I had nothing to listen to as I walked past rows and rows of lockers.

Just as the library came into view, I heard someone mutter something, so I focused my hearing in the direction. "Eeuw! Get this mutt out of the school, it will give me diseases!", I heard a girl speak about my wolves. By the time she had finished her sentence, I was right behimd her tapping her shoulder where some of her red hair was resting on. She wipped her head around to face me. "Get away from my poor wolves, they might get diseases from you...or worse, be touched by you!", I retorted sarcastically to her. She had a deep frown on her face wich seemed to deepen every passing second. "You might want to stop frowning. I think your face paint might stay like that...", it had to leave my mouth. As soon as the words left my mouth, I was pulled away from our scene by my arm. I knew it was Coral, I smelt her lilly flower sent.

"You need to keep your mouth shut, or someone will die! And by that I mean you're probably gonna kill someone.", she said as she dragged me through people to the library.

We came to a stop at a dark oak double door with a golden plate, 'Library' ingraved. Coral swung the doors open and I was greated with the sweet old silence that I love so dearly and the smell of clean paper. My eyes trailed around, through the books and landed on an old lady who was busy reading a book at her desk.

She looks so innocent and harmless...



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I walked through every row and scanned over some of the books. Meanwhile, Coral ran of to all the cartoon books and read every single one of them.

I continued row after row before my hearing captured a small, girllike whimper. I started to walk down more rows as I followed the sound. After four rows, there in a corner, was a girl with blonde hair and glasses. She was being pushed hard against a wall while some guy punched her. This boiled my anger. No human being should be treated like that!

"Micheal, please... I never did enything wrong! Please don't hurt me...", she trailed off in a small voice.

"Ooh, but my girl says otherwise! She said that you tried to come between us and you spread false rumors about us!", he retorted with gritted teeth. I could tell that she didn't lie, it was written all over her.

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