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The sun was currently now setting and it would be a beautiful sight if it weren't for a huge storm about to hit us!

The few of the crew that had come with us were all running and slipping around on the wet planks of the ship. They were yelling comands left and right.

My tribe learned alot about boats and fixed this one, also made a better job at the bottom for extra protections. I learned almost everything from human kind and boats were one of them... So I saw every flaw they had.

I sensed an oncoming speed, as fast as wind, as dark as night and as slick as a serpent. Before I knew it...my sword collided through one of these beasts with sharp teeth as two more came up, I threw poisoned ninja blades at them. They instantly turned into ashes of shadows just before they died.

"JAKE! THE SAIL OG THE BOAT IS STUCK! WE'RE BEING DRAGG-", one of the crew members was cut of by us being dragged into a small rock.

So glad we made a better version of the boat!

The sailing poles went wild and span around everywhere as the thunder filled my ears while everyone ducked and dived for shelter and hoped for the best. I let out a groan as I rolled my eyes at the lazy, scared, weak men. I held my hand out high in the small droplets of rain. As the post came near, I got ready to jump and grab it wich I did easily. I pulled my legs up, wrapped it around the post and and pulled myself up turning so I was now in top of the post. I felt my hand grab the ruff yet wet rope that started swinging around, my body left the post, making me swing around the outlook of the boat. My dagger sliced through the thick rooe that held tje sails up, letting it go.

"Aaah! CRYSTAL!", Jake's voice boomed at me and I saw him being thrown into the water by the anker that was tangling up his feet. I didn't hesitate a second as the cold water of the ocean started filling my veins with adrenaline after I jumped in to save this damsel in distress.

I started to reach him as my tail swerved with the water, causing fast, strong and big movements.

He is such an idiot...he has a knife in his hand and he is literally not doing enything with it!

The moment I reached him, his eyes went wider than I've ever seen and his face went blood-red. I cut off his ropes and went back to jis level so I could grab him and swim him up.

But... He had other plans. His expression was full of shock and I'm guessing he's so shocked that he choke... Literally!

The moment that I had reached the surface, the ship was halfway gone, I could see it in the distance. Thinking quickly, I saw a rock just reaching the surface. I dragged Jake there so I could get that water out of his lungs and bring him back to consciousness.

I started pressing against his chest and gave him breath.

Finally he spat the water out and coughed a bit. He cracked open his now red eyes, by the water and said the dumbest thing ever!

"You...Ariel of mermaids, has saved me, Eric, a wealthy and amazingly handsome prince!", he had dramatic written all over him and his hand was holding his chest. "I knew it wouldn't be to long before you would find these lips irresistible!", he started smirking. "Ohh my love! How am I ever to tell you what my true feelings to you are? Well I cnlan fully say...that... I seriously regret saving your ass and I should probably kill you now!", my voice was full with annoyance.

"I always thought you were ugly and that's why you did those face paint stuff! I never imagined you to be this beautiful! How? This should be a crime!", he started pouting. At this moment I was speechless... with shock and curiosity.

"The dolphins are on their way here. They will take us back to the ship.", I changed the subject.

"First question: Why do you hide your face and emotions? Second question: Why did you change the subject?", he counted on his hands while sounding authoritive.

"What are emotions basically, I never understood that word. And I thought you needed to know how we would get back to the ship!", I started sounding authoritive.

He just stared at me with curiosity filling his eyes.

He asks way to many questions and when I answer, he's silent!

The sound of dolphins splashing around interrupted my thoughts.

I dragged Jake over the rock into the water and we took the dolphins' dorsel fin and they started to swim off. I noticed a bag with Jake's dolphine. He looked my way to see me motioning for him to look at it.

He got the bag and pulled out something unexpected... It was a dagger of each island, like each island has it's own crown, also daggers and if you get each as a gift it is a sign of person sending luck and hope.

Fang Island Dagger

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Fang Island Dagger

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Wing Island Dagger

Woodland Island Dagger

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Woodland Island Dagger

Underwater Island Dagger

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Underwater Island Dagger


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