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I did come out to be worthy. I still didn't see the islands though because when I came out I was in the forest...Luckily there was a path so I did get out, but only to be greated by Crystal's parents...We all know how that turned out! I could have sworn Crystal cried but that's not possible.

Everyone explained everything. And by everything...I mean EVERYTHING! How could she live such a life and how did her dad get in so much freaking trouble! Her mom is a bit quiet and her dad seems ruff. I think her mom was hardly around enyway. I was surprised that even the tribe never knew her life, or well, past.

"I know this might be bad timing, but I'm worthy. I thought you might want to know.", I said looking Crystal straight in the eyes. She nod her head and motioned for me to follow her, wich I did. We came to a stop in the middle of nowhere in the woods. "I will shift to my tiger form and you will get on my back. Pull my fur and you are dead! Understand?", she warned with her eyes glowing. I nod while she shifted and then got on her soft, fluffy back. I felt her slow breaths, her body moving with the nature around her. I leaned forward till I was right by her ear. "Are you done amazing me?", and after that I literally felt her body vibrate a bit.

Did she just laugh or giggle or chuckle?

And she read my mind again, because she shook her head no.

Suddenly...all I could see was blur, my body felt like it was being pulled off her and strong winds blew through my GLORIOUS hair.

We stopped at the beach and I was in a trance as I saw those islands. They look so magical and majestic!

Kinda like Crystal's personality.

She took her weapons down and handed me something cold. I opened my hand to reveal a ring.

"This is so sudden, I don't know what to say! I thought I was the one supposed to ask.", I said sarcastically while holding the weird, funny necklace to my chest. It was still cold.

"This will give you power but it will not last long. Put it on your neck! We have three hours and before you touch the water, yes...It will feel like hell had consumed your body.", she stated scaring me.

The Power Ring

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Power Ring

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The icy water consumed my body and Crystal saying it felt like hell was an huge understatement! I felt like I just went through twenty different hells each one worse than the other.

I looked down to see a beautiful tail that I would Imagine on Crystal but no she has a dark creepy tail!

"Jake, I know this will sound weird but you have my tail right now and yes, it is a female tail. Merfoke often have light coloured tails. Royals own golden tails...so please do not draw attention!", she comanded seriously.

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