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SHE'S ALIVE! And best of all... SHE IS ACTUALLY SMILING! And not just a small smile... No, A.Full.On.SMILE!

Her smile faded as she looked down to what she was wearing.

"What am I wearing? Really...A dress? DO YOU HATE ME OR SOMETHING?!", she yelled at the sky as her arms flailed in the air in all directions.

I've never seen this part of her.

"Atleast it's nice, I mean white dresses are hard to find that pretty.", I mumbled, but I'm guessing she heard me because she gave me a glare.


Now that I don't have that much stress on my shoulders, I can be the person who fought to come out all along. To be honest, if it weren't for Jake, I wouldn't have thought this at all. I would've gone on with my life as it used to be. It felt strange to smile for the first time in my life, but it had a free feeling to it.

Jake ran up to me and I thought he was only going to hug me, but to my surprise, he tackled me into the long grass. Dor the first time in my life I felt myself laughing and it felt so good.

3 Hours Later

We had been playing around for a long time being and now that Jake was as strong as I (yes as strong as I and we've done multiple arm wrestling to prove that we were equally strong) and ALMOST as fast as I was, (luckily I was still faster) we made up our own torching games and running games and we also flew together.

We thought it was time to go back to his place and I took a lift on him as he flew us close by, so no one could say : 'Hey look! A dragon... Maby he's friendly?'


"Wanna have some fun?", I asked leaning forward to get close to his ear. He grunted and barely nodded in response to keep us from loosing balance.

I smiled at the thought and slowly got up from my spot to start walking forward to his head. When I reached it, I jumped backwards and flipped as I grabbed the chain around his neck and looked into those happy eyes as my feet rested on his hands. After a quick nod, he gave me a boost with his hands and I jumped backwards, falling through the morning, golden clouds. I felt free and happy, I've barely ever felt happy.

I did feel joy before, but never showed it. When my tribe would succeed in something, I would feel proud joy. I've always been proud of them, even if they didn't succeed in something. It only mattered that they tried their best. I love them so much and I miss them too.

Just as I was reaching the ground, I felt Jake's scaly back under mine.

When we reached home, it was already mid-evening and it was quite funny the way we got there. Jake didn't know how to properly stop, so we crashed into a few trees and broke them! After that landing, we walked into the house and were met by a room crowded with fancy people wearing suits and ties and dresses! Mean while, we had deshelved hair and ripped clothes, which was very dirty as our bodies. He squeezed my hand out of the uneasy feeling he had. I had to say that I slightly felt uncomfortable from all the eyes of shock on us.

At the moment we were now explaining to Coral, Jonathan, Susan and my mother, Angela what happened the day before.

I found some shocking news from my mother though. She explained to me that I am the rightful queen of the whole entire Asia! Jake was now king of this unknown land.

We've made the choice to unite the islands and his lands into one kingdom. Asia is still my kingdom and we visit it from time to time, but we live on the island while Coral and Jonathan controled Jake's lands. My mother became the ruler of Angels and I barely see her now, but I know she's watching me.

I had gotten two children. The oldest is a boy with the name, Warren and the youngest is a girl with the name, Melonie. Jake wanted to name his children.

We also saved the world multiple times and now everyone knew who we were and they saw us as heroes. We made a promise to save as many people all over the world as we could for the rest of our lives.

It never matters about who the most powerful ones of them all are to me, it never mattered. There will always be someone more powerful, but you don't always need powers to protect others.

So... Who's the most powerful? We will never know... We will only find out in the future. We will be ready for what's to come.

We will be ready for The Most Powerful...

We will be ready for The Most Powerful

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