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We have been fighting for what feels like a lifetime now. We crashed at some hill valley in the middle of nowhere.

We both gave all we had in fighting but none of us got enywhere but closer to exhaustion.

"Give up!", he sneered.

"Never over a dying soul!", I retorted.

"Oh... thank you so much for my idea.", he laughed evily and smashed the ground with his fist. He then took a few steps back and smirked.

With a flash of light a figure appeared out of the crack in the ground. It was Jake! HE TELEPORTED JAKE HERE!

Great! Now I have to save his stupid ass life... AGAIN!

"And then I'll have the chocolate chip cookies, but the fresh ones and-", he poused with his finger in the air as I facepalmed.

"Where did the lunch lady go?", he asked, confused. I couldn't hold myself from a facepalm.

"Hay! Crystal, where did you go? You should have heard what happened at school, someone stole a girls bra and the same person broke a guy's locker!", well... everyone has their stupid moments. Jake just so happens to have them most of the time.

"Jake, I need you to be serious please. Get behind me...NOW!", I ordered. When he was on the island, he was taught to always obey my orders as best he can and no time for questions. I'm glad he did so, because he was behind me in the fastest humane speed possible.

Max's unbelievably annoying and slightly surprising, pitchy laughter interrupted us."My dear son... Funny, I never imagined my own flesh and blood hiding behind a girl who can't even kill me! Well... Beter reason to kill you.", that stupid smirk never left his face.

"Quick question... Why can't you kill him?", Jake whispered next to my ears while my eyes never left Max's.

"Because he has the same powers as I do, but just has more of something. Something I haven't seen before.", I whispered, even though I knew Max could hear me.

"Oh so you've figured it out!", he yelled with an amused smile.

Again, I lunged towards him. He blocked me and pushed me back with an unknown force, causing me to crash into rocks... Literally INTO the rocks as a loud scream of pain shot threw me. I felt warm fluids run down the side of my face and my mouth. Pain shot threw my body as I pushed myself out the bone-crushing rocks, just to be greated with the sight of Max walking up to a frozen Jake.

"JAKE! CLOSE YOUR EYES!", I yelled as I ran full speed up to Max and put all my strength in one hit to his body. It caused a strong wind to run over the field of hills. With the side of my eye, I saw Jake being blone over by the force.

We both got up as fast as possible. Just as I was about to attack him, his body was on mine as he threw that unknown power at my chest repetively. Each passing second, I could feel my energy draining out my body. My vision started to blur and my hearing started to muffle. It came to the end where I could only hear my heartbeat and my slow breaths, echoing in my ears.

I heard Jake's muffled yelling and saw a red flash of light, the same flash of unknown power that Max had struck me with.

Please Jake, don't be dead... Please!

Max flew over me as something hit him hard to the chest. I tilted my head sideways... Enough to see a gaint fire-breathing dragon standing down from a blow of fire. My eyes met with his and it clicked.

JAKE!? Jake is a dragon warrior! Just like his father, except his father has all the powers I have with it.

"Jake, you're a dragon warrior. You shift into a dragon and you jave some other abilities in human form. Did you know about this?", I questioned. The look in his eyes explained that he indeed didn't know what he was.

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