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Well, sleeping didn't go well. I slept for ten minutes and started to toss and turn. By the time the sun started to rise I was still busy training. I've been running, swimming, concentrating my powers in one place, punched rocks till they broke and flew around a bit.

I am now making breakfast for me, Jake, Coral and the warriors.
It will boost their power and strength.

I started to walk up the marble stairs to Coral and Jake. Somehow, while I was gone, Coral managed to end up sleeping on the chandelier.

Let's just say that they might need a new chandelier...

While Coral was taking in the deliciousness of the breakfast, I went to Jake's room to bring him breakfast. To my surprise, he was already up and in the shower. His room is even cleaned up!

"I made you breakfast, I'm leaving it...on...this table-like thing next to your bed!", I yelled unsure of what that was called.

"It's called a nightstand.", he yelled and chuckled a bit.

I left it there and walked. His room was too perfect for my liking. Everything was perfectly straight and lined.

Jake's Bedroom


Time to prepare for training!

They had given us black pants with padded knees, a black long-sleeved shirt with padded shoulders, forarms, chest and back. I put on the black shin boots and black fingerless gloves. Coral did the same, but she tied her hair up in a ponytail.

We walked up to the battle field and were greated by a big army, all wearing the same clothes as us. None of them had a serious look on their faces! Some even made jokes!

"By now I already regret training you all!", I said loud enough for all of them to hear.

"Wait! A chick's gonna train us? This gotta be good!", a short guy with black hair egotistically tried.

"I think you should refrain yourself as a chick, judging by your length!", Coral retorted, gaining his anger.

"Coral, you will have combat with that guy! Weapons are allowed to him, but not you. Everyone, look closely and learn from his mistakes. When he looses, we will begin basics!", I ordered while hearing chuckles of disbelief.

Everybody moved away, making space for Coral and the boy to fight. He took a stance, that looks very unsteady while Coral stood relaxed, as if waiting for something boring to happen.

"Fight", I commanded, breaking the silence.

Coral looked up to him and smirked. He flipped towards her in attempt to kick her, but she grabbed his leg, twisted it and spun him in the air before he landed face first on the graveled ground. He groaned in response.
She just giggled innocently.

"That was just luck!", he retorted to his fails as he got up. He grabbed a sword and shield and started to move in to Coral, shielding his body and pointing his sword to Coral. She irrupted in laughter as she noticed all his flaws. Everybody had confused expressions. She walked towards him, kicked the sword out of his grasp, grabbed the shield and threw it out of sight. Before he could soke in what was happening, she was on him and had him by the throat as he tapped out.

"That took two minutes! Coral, next time don't play around, ALWAYS go full on!", I ordered.

"You-", I pointed to the short guy. "What's your name?"

"S-s-sam, M-miss", he stuttered.

"Sam, my name is Crystal and I prefer being called by my name. Your stance was horrible, your first move wasn't spent right. You overestimated yourself and you can't even hold a weapon correctly.", I explained to him.

Everyone had surprise written all over them.

"Why don't you show us what you can do Crystal?", some girl asked in the crowd.

"Because it's impossible to show my best to you. I could tell you all to attack me at once, but you will loose easily and I will miss my chance to show you my absolute best.", I explained to them.

"HA! Great joke now can we move on please? I'd rather let Coral teach us than you.", she retorted. I turned by back to grab a dagger behind me and a blindfold. I tied the blindfold over my eyes. As I turned back to them, I threw the dagger to the girl and the familiar sound of chains clanging made everything silent. I cut her necklace off her neck.

"Now...Everyone, all at once, attack me now!", I ordered still blindfolded.

30 Minutes Later

Everyone lied on the ground, out of energy. Coral stood next to me, barely panting.

"I thought we'd get more training in today!", Coral broke the silence, a bit confused.

"Me to, but I overestimated these people. They're much weaker than I had expected, I didn't even feel eny of them at least touch me!", I exclaimed to Coral starting to get a bit worried. They were three times the size as my tribe.

I heard Jake's breath behind me. I didn't give away eny sign that I know of him being here as I knew that his intentions were to scare me. It didn't work. He tried to tickle me in witch I had reacted on elbowing him in the stomach and flipped him over.

"Nice to see you too Crystal.", he said inbetween groans. I didn't respond as he got back up again.

"I'm gonna guess that they thought you wouldn't even beat one guy, am I right?", He asked while dusting himself off.

"Correct. So, was there something you needed to tell me or did you want to see tired wannabe warriors?", I asked motioning to the bodies on the ground.

"I was going to tell you that we assigned you into my school. You are officially a student of Canine Highschool!", he exclaimed a bit too excited.

"Good. When do I start?", I asked.

"The day after tomorrow, asin, Wensday!", he said breathlessly.
"Rules! Please don't kill enyone? My people will keep a close eye on you for OTHER people's protections. Don't fight enyone! Don't reveal what you are!-", I stopped listening there as I knew that I would never be that stupid.

He was still counting down all the rules as we walked bavk to the house. As we reached the house, he FINALLY finished.

"We have a closet full of clothes for you and Coral to wear to school, okay?", and here he goes again! I just nodded in response.

Before we could take another step, I held Jake and Coral back and started to listen. There were people inside of the house, talking to Jake's 'so called parents'. They were talking about killing me and him! They wanted to kill me so they could drink my blood and live for iternaty and they wanted to kill Jake so he won't be in the way of their plans.

As soon as their conversation ended, I grabbed Coral and Jake away from the front door and porch. We climbed up the house and into Jake's bedroom where I explained everything to them and we worked on a plan all night long.

I woke up to the sound of Jake screaming. I jolted up in his bed. Last night, me and Coral fell asleep on the bed and Jake on the couch.

Coral held a knife to Jake's throat and she was on him.

She does the strangest things in her sleep.

I reluctantly got up, walked up to them and chop slammed her nerv between her neck and shoulder wich caused her body to go limp.

"Oh.My.Gosh! Thank uou SO much!", he said with a traumatised act, still lying on the ground with his arms spread out.

"You owe me!", I said through gritted teeth as I pointed to him and started to walk out.

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