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"So you are being beaten at your home with people who had claimed to be your parents? How can you not fight back, you-", Sabrina stopped mid sentence when she sniffed me. "How..? Are you THAT weak? This does not make sense! You are a survivor of such suffering, you have to have power!", she said confused while she put a hand on my shoulder.

"Sabrina, we have to take leave. My parents have found me by sunrise and I have not had the chance to see them again. I wish to continue showing the islands to Jake and see them before they sleep.", Crystal came in and explained with no emotion what so ever.

"You need to put the crown on first, we need power. I'm happy for you and your parents, I thought they had died?", Sabrina now answered with her eyebrows furrowed.

"I have had the same thoughts. But they are immortal, as us. My father can shift to a black lion, our eyes are the same, our claws are the same, he can too shift to a wolf. I have the guess that he has strong healing as I but not sure. My mother has golden glow in her eyes, she has golden wings and a wand. They both have super strength.", she explained her parents' powers so Sabrina can know what they are I'm guessing. All eyes were wide, staring at Crystal. I think they never expected her parents to be this powerful.

"You should go on, Jake. You guys have alot to do. Oh wait...Star?", she turned and Crystal nod to her. Sabrina swiftly ran to some little hut/shak/mini castle thinky, it looked quite cute. Sabrina came back out with a crown. So apparently the crowns are connected to the islands and everytime Crystal puts it on, she gives the island some power that protects the islands by making some forcefield against humans and evil spirits.

Wood Island Crown

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Wood Island Crown

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Crystal excepted the crown and put it on her head. The moment it touched her head there was a soft warm wind, her eyes went closed, she tilted her head upwards and inhaled deeply. I felt the ground beneath me grumble very faint and it stopped. Crystal brought her head back, took the crown of and opened her eyes to reveal a bright but dark blue. She blinked, and it was gone.

"Well that was intense!", I had to break the comfortable silence! I smiled brightly and Sabrina took a while to understand what I was doing and finally chuckled.

We got up from our spots and walked to the shore. Me and my sister talked the whole way and made jokes. We got to know each other better. She has a fierce personality with a bit of cocky coolness and humor. I felt the urge to protect her even I knew she could probably kill a pack in five minuts and she is two years older than me.

We bid our goodbyes and me and Crystal were swimming to 'Wing Island'. This time the name sounds lame. But it never looked lame though, everything looks so peaceful and joyful. At the moment we were walking randomly away from the village, wich I never got to look at and into the forest. I was brought out of my thoughts when I walking into something really hard, it was such a huge impackt that I fell backwards hitting my back on a sharp rock while I'm at it aswell! I felt lickwid flowing from my nose.

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