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"HE'S OUR WHAT!?", Sabrina and Jake questioned in unition. "Your father, Max is your father.", I explained for what feels like the hundredth time to them. To say they were shocked is an understatement!

"Hey, speaking of fathers...Crystal, where's your dad?", Jake had to pick this time of all, when my mother is right next to me! She stiffened at the thought. Her eyes that were closed this whole time opened and shadow black eyes stared right at us.

"What is wrong with your-", I cut him off immediately. "She is grieving. When angels grieve, their power goes dark. This lasts till someone is able to pull them out by creating a good emotion within her. There os nothing I can do about this. My father died, Max killed him.", I explained to them blankly.

Next think I knew I was ingulfed by hugs wich made me feel very unease.

I never hug people. It makes me weak! Humanity makes people weak and it is my job to protect them!

I pushed through them, walked down the stairs and in the direction of my fathers blood. The thick smell of blood and dead beings filled my sensitive nose until a smell of my fathers blood took my attention. As I reached the blood I heard footsteps near me. It was my people...All my people and the humans.

"Let the ritual begin!", I commanded. I stood in a pool of blood while the kings and queens of the islands join hands and circle me. Johannes, Marie's husband, also known as 'King of Merfolk' has also arrived, he was occupied before so Jake couldn't meet him. We all closed our eyes. The cool feeling of a pure magical crown was around my head as Mason put it on my head. I felt a magnetic pull of the island inneed of power and protection, we had to do the ritual as soon as possible because of all the damage that has been done.

Our eyes opened and we all locked gazes. The blood beneath my feet began to glow as all damaged areas began to glow. The blood was seeped into the ground and all damage was being repaired and healed.

Main Island Crown


"The ritual is final! You are all dismissed!", I commanded in a stern voice. They all bowed their heads as symbol of respect and left.

"Crystal, a-are you okay? You look pale and you're swaying a bit!", to my surprise Vicky came with a concerned face. "M-my energy. It took half my power to banish Max to the dimension of pain and it took what I had left to heal everyone and all the islands.", I explained with my voice barely a whisper but rose and fell at times.

I felt my body go numb as two arms grabbed mine and another was added by my legs. Everything went dark and blank as muffled voices filled my ears, I could also smell fresh sprout.

Time Passed

"I can feel your eyes!", was the first thing I said waking up by the feeling of someones stare. "Ohh... Uhh...Sorry.", Jakes voice was more than enough for my eyes to shoot open.

The moment my eyes shot open they met with Jake's ocean blue eyes full of concern. "Jake?", my voice came out raspy. He hummed in reply. "Why are you so close? I mean, if I were to move, our noses would touch.", I explained with no emotions.

"Sorry for caring, I'll be sure not to care next time", he mumbled to himself getting up. "I heard that!", I whisper shouted in his ear as I jumped on his back and made him fall face first on a piece of branch that grew through my house.

"What the hell!? Are you trying to kill me?"

"Stop yelling, Jake! You are going to wake my tribe!"

"Ow.Okay.Sorry! PLEASE, do.not.break my arm!"

"Who do you think you are talking to!?"

"AAAH! My pour-pour-"


"I sincerely apologize, my saviour, Star.", and with that Jake bowed, turned on his heel and ran away.

I started cleaning the mess we made...He.Broke.My.TABLE!
He also tried to tickle me and I almost broke his hand.

I must say that I did enjoy this...

After I cleaned the mess and Jake's blood, I crawled out my window and onto a branch to sit and gaze at the bright night.

"Crystal? Can I please talk to you?", of course Jake had to ruin my silent joy, but never the less...

"Yes. Come sit next to me.", I ordered gesturing to the open space beside me.

"Umm...I-I...I'm afraid of hights! Pleasedon'tlaugh!", he blurted out.

"SIT.NOW!", I ordered, causing him to whimper slightly and oblige. "Fear is an annoyance in mind. It is an illusion that manipulates your achievements. Now, what do you want to talk about?", I touched his shoulder to make sure for no importance that could be hidden.

"Oh...Yes...That. Well, I was wondering if you might be able to help me with the warrior thing I told you about when I hot here. You see...We have a danger problem. There are people who keep attacking and our people and killing innocent children, we know that we can't bring them here and train our people and find out who is attacking, but what if you can come to mainlands and train them or maby even help us find them? ", he started tearing up.

I'm so doomed... How am i supposed to live with a very annoying human being. He is going to drive me crazy! If I have to count how many times I've saved his life compared to how many times I've wanted to kill him... Killing him seems to be a much much MUCH better option.

"Crystal, what's wrong, you seem so quiet now? Did you hear what I asked about you coming to mainlands to train humans to save the world? You don't have to but you kinda know how I am, I'll drag you with me." Jakes annoying voice broke my thoughts.

"You are such an idiotic moron, you know that I have super strength, super senses, super speed, super co-ordinanation, and I have claws, wings, a tail, fangs and I can shape shift in a wolf or tiger! You are a weak, stupid human being, so I'd like to see you try" I answered with a rased voice and glowing blue eyes full of rage.

"Rude much. Hey, now I no why you can shift into a wolf and tiger too! Cause you like to literally SNAP at people and when you get mad, all I hear inside my head is 'RAAAAAWR-RAAAAAWR!", I reeaallyy want to hurt him right now but I need to concentrate.

"What about my people?", I questioned truly worried about them.

"They can handle themselves. Plus, Mason and Coral can take care of this place till you come back, it won't take that long. I think Vicky will stay though.", he rambled tapping his chin.

"Why?", I'm confused.

"Even a mole will be able to see that they love each other! You have a very observant personality and you can read feelings, how did you not see this?", Jake furrowed his eyebrows in confusion.

"I'm sorry, Love? What does that mean? Is it an object or something?", I felt so vulnerable being confused.

"Wait...You don't know what love is? But your tribe loves you, never the less cares! Love is a feeling like care, just stronger. Now inlove is another situation, it's the same what your parents felt for each other. It's an unexplainable feeling of happiness you feel when they are near you and you know when they're sad, happy, angry and you know them better than enyone in the world. That person makes you smile unconsciously and you feel safe and protected with them.", Jake explained sounding passionate about it.

"How come you haven't even felt an ordinary love, like atleast from your parents? Oh...wait, I know, don't answer that.", he said with guilt filling his eyes.

"I will talk to my people about this."

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