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I was taken back by the sight of my own blood on my fingers. "To whom will we congratulate this day?", I asked out loud scaning the blank, confused eyes.

That was when my eyes landed on a training sword with dark blood slowly dripping from it and onto the snow, slightly melting it away. My eyes adverted from the blade to the owner and met with bright, grey-blue eyes that had also just stared at the blood before our eyes had locked.

Before she could blink I was right in front of her.

Coral had cut me! Coral found it to my advantage, she had gotten farther than eny other being here!

"At sunset, you will be honnered and celebrated! Take my swords and savour them in true battle!", I said handing her my swords. She did not take it, I knew she felt guilt. As I noticed her reaction...I simply took the swords, dropped the sword's tips in the ground and walked passed her.

She turned around in shock and eventually took the swords in her hands and latchedit to he back like I would.

Crystal's Handmade Swords

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Crystal's Handmade Swords

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"Yah...Woo-hoo! GO CORAL! I KNEW YOU COULD DO IT!", Mason yelled from a distance, breaking the uncomfortable silence between the tribe.

"Well that went well!", I heard Jake mumble from all the way at the treeline.

At that moment I felt my body tingle, the tips of my fingers felt as if it ripped open, the back of my eyes burned as I felt them glow blue, my mouth ached at the feeling of my fangs ripping through my gums and what I never expected to happen was my back burning! Next thing, I felt wind from behind me and immediately realised that my wings had grew out!

Ghasps fluttered through all and even I was taken back, all though I was livid.

"HOW!? HOW DO PEOPLE NEVER FEEL THE URGE TO SLID THAT THROAT OF YOURS!? I WOULD KILL YOU, SAVE YOU ONLY TO KILL YOU AGAIN!", I shouted after shortly flying to him. He just stood there, tears in his eyes and his hands shaking beside him. "You have absolute, no respect to something so serious and important to our tribe!", I added with a sigh, small amount of calm.

Crystal's Wings

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Crystal's Wings

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The tribe had decided to walk to camps and start food. It was now only livid me and a terrified Jake. He stared at my silver, sharp claws for a while, then moved his gaze to my stomach movements of panting relentlessly. After that he looked at my mouth as it was slightly agape, showing my fangs...Finally he looked straight in my percing, soul burning, blue glowing eyes.

His eyes were red with fear and sadness simultaneously.

Why does he have such emotion and he can not even hide it at slightest?

I grabbed his shoulder in attempt to see what he sees, but failed as he blocked me, I tried both his shoulders, yet failed again. After a moment, I took the choice to pull him close into a tight hug to see his thoughts. He had not moved a muscle in all my attempts, but when I hugged him, he wrapped his arms around me as tight as he could, his thoughts had eventually reached me as my wings had pulled back.

Suddenly...I was filled with an indescribable feeling that I had never felt before. It was overwhelming as I saw his horrid past. My throat felt dry and my breathing short, I couldn't bare a second longer, so I pulled back! I could see pain in his eyes as the memories flashed through our minds.

"H-how d-did you do t-that?", he managed to stutter in his cracked voice with his confused eyes.

This was the first time I had felt confusion in 6 years.

"How did I do what? You have to be quite specific, there are alot of indescribable things I had just done.", I stated with wonder in my mind.

"I could feel you presence in my mind, body and sould, I knew it was your presence. It was fiery, strong, unbreakable, stiff, but also, there was a bit of worry, stress, quilt and... sadness?", he added more comfused now than ever.

"It is a gift at how I connect to see ones thoughts, I never struggle and it takes months of practice on how to block me. Most of my tribe still do not have the strength to block me. It took so much to attempt to get through to you, but I failed, until you let loose. So much was already used that, the moment you lost yourself, you could feel me.", I explained to him. He stood there, not knowing what words to form.

"You were the first to witness this, you are not to tell enyone. You are also one of the first to receive a hug from me, I expect you to keep silent over that too!", told him firmly so no tribe member would think otherwise of me, they could easily make the same mistakes Coral had done. He simply nodded and whipped his tears away.


I couldn't believe my eyes! My heart felt shattered and my body falt sparks all over while every fiber in my muscles were thriving against each other giving me urge to punch a tree like Star would do. Sadly none were around, she shredded all that were around, this was her punching arena come to think of it.

How could it take her so much courage to just hug me lightly only 3 years ago while it took this guy a comment for her to practically crush him! I hate being jealous and I know this is wrong for me but she has no reason to show no affection towards us for 6 years and yet this guy comes, says something, let her show her wings in public for the first time and get a firm hug from her!? Not even Coral had that privilege!

I felt eyes on me, eyes burning through my soul, crushing all happyness, all strength and bravery to bits. I knew it was Star. I turned around at the idea of her being futher than I thought, but no, if I would move an inch, I would touch her no doubt.

"You have seen what happened and I intend on keeping that quiet!", she said sternly with her leader stance, hands behind back, head held high, the works! "My apologies for asking, Star. But how come you never show affection to eny of us but him suddenly? I don't mean to be rude, just I care for you and I thought...", I trailed of after blurting out way to much. The next thing she did let my breathing stop and I nearly choked, I was thinkink she would go off and yell or punch or kill me. She literally grabbed me and gave me a strong hug! I was frozen for a second before grabbing her tightly and savouring the moment whatmost likely would be a dream or something. The smell of fresh rain proved to me that this was not a dream, I'm never able to smel in my dreams.

Her hair smels like fresh rain, how's that possible? Mine always smels like dirt!

"I don't mean to sound rude, but...Crystal, have you taken to many calming herbs or something?", I aked a bit jokingly but also serious at the same time. I regret that comment immediately after I said it!

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