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Yesterday didn't go well, at all! Everyone could barely run a lap around the town! I drilled them as I would drill the youngsters at home. It was like a beginner class, wich they all failed in!

It was currently the first day of school and Coral and I were busy getting ready. Coral wore the same clothes as I did. We both had a grey hoody, white shirt, jeans and addidas shoes. She made a bun as I let my hair stay loose.

After finishing, I slowly walked down the stairs on my way to the kitchen, before I heard a crashing sound.

What in the world was that!?

I sped back up the stairs to find the metallic smell of blood in the distance. I followed the smell down the hall till I came to a stop infront of a dark wooden door. I felt the cold of the doorknob against my hand as I tried to open the door, but, no surprise...it was locked. That didn't stop my leg from kicking the door down.

Once the door hit the floor, the sight was...surprising. Jake was on the floor in a pool of blood while his heart started to fade and finally came to a halt. Coral leaned against the wall with blood seeping from her mouth. Jake's 'parents' were holding each other's bruised bodies. My eyes wondered around to find twenty bodies of big men that were pilled up on top of each other. I didn't have to wonder what had happened.

I reluctantly dragged my feet to Coral and after holding her body, her heart finally started to beat again.

"Thanks...", she muttered as her eyes fluttered open. I felt her gaze move to Jake before her eyes widened.

"H-he... HEALED!", she raised her voice as she got up and ran to him. I turned just in time to see his blood being dragged back into his body and my eyebrows furrowed.

I don't sense eny power or smell eny creature on him! What is going on?

"What on earth just happened!?", he started as he ghasped for air and sat up straight.

"Well...you and I both died and you healed...BY YOURSELF!", Coral exclaimed.

My eyes averted to the two murderers and I gracefully took my leave in their direction. Coral's eyes widen in realization before she jumped up and ran to me with Jake following close behind.

I dragged Mark and Karen by their arms down the hall, they were way to weak to protest.

"Crystal? What are you doing?", Coral and Jake asked simultaneously with weariness laced on their voives. I didn't give eny acknowledgement that they were there as I started to drag them out the house.

30 Minutes Later

We started to near the royal barn as i still dragged Mark and Karen leaving a slight trail of blood. I tied them up against two iron poles and started a small fire by their feet, but made sure it will only reach their feet and not go higher.

After that, I started to walk to school with Coral and Jake by my sides, uncomfortably quite. I pulled them into the woods to a trail I had created for a shortcut to school.

In a matter of minutes, we had arrived at school. It looked different than I had expected. Large windows surrounding the place with brick walls and two glass doors to enter. At the front, there was a BIG parkinglot filled with cars and people that few by few started to stare at me and Coral. We started to near the doors when I saw a shadow with the side of my eye. As I halted and closed my eyes, I took this moment to breath in the air and inhale deeply.

The wolves!

"Crystal? What's wrong?", Coral broke the silence. I opened my eyes to meet with her concerning ones.

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