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By now I had already given power to the Dark Island through the crown and we are being consumed by Jake's questions! We did try to answer but he cept interrupting us with yet another question so we gave up listening.

Dark Island Crown

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Dark Island Crown

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Tonight, we will be holding a feest, meaning I have to hunt later...in the feest we will be holding a ritual, all adult creatures of all islands are invited.

"Crystal... CRYSTAAAAAAL!", of course Jake has to whine for more answers. "What are you whinning about now!?", I asked getting frustrated.

"I have been calling you like, the whole time now! What is Sabrina talking about the ritual tonight?", he asked with furrowed eyebrows.

"Well... If you would have cept that hole in your face, wich I am taken a back by the fact that they still have teeth in, you would know the answers to all your-", I was cut off by Mason and Coral bursting in my room where we all sat on my bed and floor.

Crystal's Bedroom

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Crystal's Bedroom

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Their faces were pale, bodies full of sweat and their chests rose and fell faster than average, such as their heartbeats that are currently beating rapidly.

"WE ARE UNDER ATTACK! IT'S NOT JUST ENYONE ATTACKING... IT'S MAX...AND HE HAS AN ARMY...", they both yelled in unison and trailed of. "TELL ME WHAT YOU ARE HIDDING OR I'LL HAVE YOUR HEADS!", my voice boomed in the silence, wich made everyone wince at the rage in my voice.

"His army is created by different creatures, they-they have angels, a-and werewolves, vampires, merpeople, fairies, wizards, shifters, trols, hell hounds...a-and something we have never delt with... W-w-witches!", Coral explained in a soft voice while Mason rummaged for weapons.

The room was silent, everyone had blanked faces.

"Mason, Stop", I demanded standing up. "Wh-", I cut him of by grasping his hand from the bow and arrow he was holding.

"I need you and Coral to get the tribe and the humans to safety! Sabrina, you must becon the kings and queens from the islands as fast as you can! Clisest, you will go with Jake and follow the rest of the tribe! Coral, Mason, when they are secure, you put the warriors in charge of protecting the tribe and humans! I will only need the few of us in this war. I am immune to all spells, curses and posions. Werewolves are immune to curses, vampires to posions, fairies to spells and mermaids are immune to sirens. Do not trust enyone... Not even me! Get-", I was cut of by an excruciating scream that filled my sensitive hearing.

Mason froze and became more pale than he was before. "NO! NOT AGAIN! I'M NOT LOOSING SOMEONE AGAIN! VICKY!", with that he grabbed the bow and ran out, full speed.

I looked Coral in the eyes, telling her not to follow him. I slightly lowered my head, indicating her to continue with my instructions and with that, her, Jake, Sabrina and Cilest was off.

I grabbed my swords, my daggers and sphere ready to kill.

No one hurts my family!

I ran out to see burning trees, frozen people, bleeding animals and horrid shouts and laughter filled my ears. I was beyond mad right now. My breaths were heavy and low, everything around me went slow as my hearing focused on every single sound. My body felt the temperatures rising and falling as each person got closer and further. I picked up vibrations of every movement and finally...My body was one with the air.

I began to slowly walk as my sword slid through throats of vampires and werewolves. Every second that passed, I moved faster and faster...Till finally...something inside of me snapped. I set out a war cry as I ran and used a hell hound as a boost for me to get to the passing angel, using her as a boost too, slicing my sword straight through the body of a floating witch and landing with a front flip and stabbing someone infront of me. I turned around to see a trail of bodies that I've slauterd. Two hell hounds came zooming towards me jumping over my body so they could rip my head of. "Not today", I stated with my claws ripping out their hearts. A male war cry took my attention and what I saw almost rip my non-existant heart to bits. Max had set my father on fire, chopped his head of and ate his heart, the hell hounds ate what was left of my father in seconds. Now the word phsico would be an understatement for how mad I was now. "BRAIN! DAD!", I yelled running to the pool of blood that was left of him. "Max! you will pay! I will kill all of your army and use all their blood to create the pain and death their power can create...I will put you in a lifetime of pain!", With that my wings were pulled out of my back. I flew to my mother as thers was an angel about to kill her and snapped the angel's neck. I flew a bit higher and used all my power to create attention to me. Everyone stopped at what they were doing. "Max has done you in! He killed all your families who would stand up against him! He just killed my father, so I have a proposition. Ither, you come stand with me against him, or you all die by my hand and I use your power to create an infinity of pain and death for Max, meaning no afterlife for you!", I explained taking my leader voice.

"Oh please, you are powerful, but not THAT powerful!", a very anoying mermaid elclaimed laughing till she fell on the ground. Sabrina, Elizabeth, Edward, Malissa, Marie, Mason, Coral and my mother stood besides me and were about to charge but I pulled them back.

"I need to do this alone, or it will not work.", I explained to them.

"Prepare to fail Crystal!", Max yelled laughing evily.

5 Minutes Later

Max yelled and cried for help as his soul was pulled into the blood dimention where he can not escape for infinity while he will feel pain and loss for the rest of time itself. I just sruggend and wiped the sword clean against my skin. I felt two warm arms wrap around me and tighten a bit. I turned to the side to see my mother holding me with stained tear marks on her cheeks. I felt sympathetic for her. I don't feel sadness now, only anger and rage, but she is heartbroken. I pulled her in for a hug aswell, causing her to ghasp.

This is the first and probably the last time that I ever hug my own mother! I only had one chance of hugging my father and it wasn't a very long hug. I am so pround of Max's position.

"Umm...Sorry to interrupt. I have a problem. I felt some pull to the guy that you, well-upu know...I thought I should talk to you about it and it's been bothering me since he got here.", Jake came up to us looking very uncomfortable explaining his situation. Cilest came up to us too and Sabrina didn't follow far behind. Me and my mother broke appart.

"D-do y-you t-t-t-think I should tell them o-o-or y-you?", Cilest stuttered out.

"Which ever you feel most comfortable with, Cilest.", I held her shoulder telling her this.

"Well...Here goes nothing. Jake, Sabrina, that man was-"

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