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"Mother, don't leave me, PLEASE! I can be better, just give me a chance! I can prove that I am not worthless to you and father!", I begged at my mother.

"Oh please, we know you only care for yourself and not your own kingdom! You are a selfish fool! We see you, pretending to be all mighty and tough in front of the other royals with your father and I but we never hear from school!", My mother sneared at me.

My father took a whip and walked towards me after he sent the guards away.

"Father! PLEASE STOP...DON'T - AAAAAAHHH", I couldn't keep myself from yelling as the sharp spines across the whip hooked through my skin. My parents just had a cold look in their eyes, like they never cared!

"AAAAAAAHHHH...NOOO!", I yelled trying to sit up right faster than light, but I was pushed back by a hand against my bear chest. My vision cleared and I was surprised to see Star herself!

I thought she would be like those queens you barely see and never does eny work!?

"I am not a selfish leader and I never sleep just to look after my people, I never rest! Never think such a thought!", she sternly warned with a straight face, as always.

"Ooh, My apologies for being human like yo-...Umm you know what, forget that last part. Why are you here and can I please have my clothes back, I am not wearing this excusion of a pants, no offense!", I tilted my head a bit as I noticed that she hadn't moved at all.

She looks like a tiger statue!
Shut up thoughts!

"It is Star to you! Do not tell me what to do and keep in consius that I never forget! It is one of my many gifts. Your clothes are burnt.", the only thing moving now was her mouth.

"May I ask why my clothes are burnt and with all respect, why haven't you answered my question of what you are doing here? Do you want to see me without a shirt that bad?", I smirked telling her.

Wait...What did I just do? Gosh if I thought she'd kill me then, she will definitely now!

Why is she not moving?! This is even more intense than her killing me!

"Why are you not killing me right now?", I couldn't help but break the silence.

"I am awaiting for you to rise up, I have told you last night that we are moving today, still dark...", she added reminding me. Before I could answer her while standing up, she turned me around and looked at my scars, I've never showen my scars at enyone, But I never had a choice though.

"I can take this away for you. But I decide to not, scars show your strength!", she said surprising me. "Come, we must move!", she said as I turned around and walked out. The moment I got outside, I saw wide grey eyes piercing my soul, as I looked lower, I saw her mouth wide open with surprise.

"Coral, what bothers?", Star asked as she put her hand on Coral's shoulder. Coral never spoke. Star just nod her head and walked.

"Did you do something to her? Wait that's impossible, no one can do enything to her! Ooh wiat, she will probably torchure you! Jake...can you turn around?", she said all that so fast and frowned as she waited for me to turn, witch I did and she ghasped.

"Is something wrong? Coral? Coral?", I repeated turning around to see what used to be a toned girl but now a pale one.

"What happened to you", she whispered with tears forming in her eyes.

As we walked for long distances I told her my whole life story witch she also did. I was surprised of how talkative they all were compared to Star.

I think I made a friend.

"Wow! Now I know why you said that my introduction was nothing compared to your childhood trainings!", I said surprised at how harsh they grew up and now I'm officially never trying to disrespect eny of them!


We had been walking for a long while now and I was far ahead leading in my tiger form. I had to shift to protect the humans. I had made sure the humans had not seen me shift or seen my tiger to keep them calm.

After I have arrived at the snow grownds today and the tribe as well, I had already shifted back and had clothes on.

Crystal's Tiger Form

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Crystal's Tiger Form

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My eyes were focused at a tribe member and human laughing together! They had stopped the moment they glanced at my death eyes.

"I have said that no interactions are to happen, correct?", I asked standing my ground.

"But-", she wanted to protest but stopped when I took a step forward.

"Get prepared, attack when done!", I ordered as I saw the humans frown in confusion. "Every sunrise till sunset we train. My people prepare themselves as best they can and when everyone is done, all attack me at once and fight as hard as possible, but me I just focus on not killing while the others go for kill. When I win, Mason and I guide all mistakes.", I explained to them.

"So let me get this straight...All of them with us today attack you, Star, ON YOUR OWN!?", Vicky, one of the crew members asked surprised. I nod once to her question and she smiled thinking this would be easy.
The rest of the humans didn't say anything as all prepared.



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The humans ran in front as they started to attack. I already saw their weak spots and the first one I saw was the fact that the were weak of cold...They were out in a few hits, only one almost hit me and that was Jake. After I won again with a bit more of a struggle passing everyday. They are becoming very strong. "Mason, you focus your sister more and work on her reactions, the rest must focus on hiding weakness! As for you humans, I will help work on every motion, none was good!", I ordered feeling a sweat drop rolling on the side of my face.

"CRYSTAL!", Mason yelled pointing at my cheek. I touched it and saw blood on my hand. There was a slight cut on my cheek that almost immediately healed. I have never seen my own blood before.

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