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Did she just? She DID! Oh.My.Gosh! My brother, the only person I had left in my life. The one who was there for me when our parents had died in war! He's gone...he has no heartbeat what so ever! I wish I could kill Crystal for this, she killed him, her claws went straight through his presious heart that never stopped beating for her!

"Why? Why would you do this? He had done nothing wrong Crystal!", I tried to yell, but instead my voice came out soft and broken as tears fell down my face. She just looked at me with no emotion in her eyes.

"WHAT HAPPENED!? WHERE IS HE!?", Vicky came rushing in as she yelled searching for my brother. I gave her a sympathetic look as her eyes started to water when she saw Mason behind us.

The had gotten really close since they were here, they were good friends, but I couldn't help but notice that she felt more.

"I'm so sorry Mason, you don't deserve this, you don't even deserve a tinge of pain in your life! I will slauter the person who did this, they will pay! I was supposed to be there for you!", Vicky broke down after she practically jumped on his body and held him crying in his chest.

"Turn your head and you shall see the murderer of your love!", Crystal comanded folding her arms. Vicky obliged and broke down even more pressing her face back into his chest. I walked over to her and held her trying to comfort her while I still have tears rushing through my eyes.

"The time has passed, move aside!", she comanded stepping forward to Mason. She went down right over him. Crystal pulled him up so, his face was facing her. The next thing completely shocked me...she put her forehead on his as their noses also touched, she closed her eyes and a bright glow of blue went through him as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His arms wrapped around her and he began to smile!

Wait, WHAT!?

I looked over to Vicky who was pale now and confusion written across her face. I was just as confused.

"Crystal? Did you have to kill me and if so, why in such a painful way?", he said chuckling, still closed eyes and a soft smile over his face.

"Umm...What was that? Were you dead? I thought I lost you Mason! Crystal what's going on?", I blabbed. Crystal got up and looked me straight in the eye.

"I have found myself to become hungry much more at ease when the humans arrived. Animal blood was not enough to put my hunger at ease. Touching Jake had not helped even the smallest amount, my urge had multiplied. When I have given Mason affection, I could hear his heart beat fast. I then had no urge to hold back.", she explained way to calm for me to bear.

"How did he...?", I couldn't face those words.

"The gift of life lies inside of me.", She said walking out.


When I gave Mason life, I had felt all his emotions. He has a strange unexplainable emotion inside him. It was strange, unique.

I threw the wonder away and walked to 'The Great Pool'. Dull glowing flowers surrounding a pond with glowing rock at the bottom. I go there to swim every moon rise.

I swam with my thoughts for some time. When I was finished, I pulled myself out and started to dry my dark mermaid tail full of muscle.

Crystal In Mermaid Form

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Crystal In Mermaid Form

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I walked back slowly, but stopped in sight as I herd a breath of air, My vision became bright as I fokused myself to do. Immediately I am faced with Jake, he looked frightened to say the least.

"To what do I owe the pleasure, might I ask?", I asked serious.

He stared at me for some time before he spoke.

"I might have a question about this island or maby two million and same goes for you. Everything here is so mysterious and majestic. I just can't stop asking questions.",he added before finishing.

"I have no time at sunrise. I have now but you must rest.", I explained to him.

"I can't sleep so if I'm alowed, I would like to accompany you while bombarding you with questions.", he said taking a step closer, yet not seeing the rock infront of him and falling on me. I saw it coming but could not move and for that I have no idea.

We fell down a crack in the ground. As the wind rushed through us, I could feel him turning us around so he was under. My wings ripped through the skin of my back as they were being forced out, I spread my wings pulling back and stopping the fall...only to have Jake letting go and still falling! I dove down as he neard the ground, then I went under him again, to feel rock and ground crashing through me and Jake had a nice soft cozy landing with my wings around him, protecting him.

"Well...atleast you know I fell for you hard.", he said after a groaned and he was just smiling as he looks like he got gold or silver as a gift.


And he winced as he felt a stinging burning sensation all over his body with my touch. I felt amused.

Wait...Amused? How is this possible? What is happening? I never ask questions, I never feel amused and I never show affection. Is this Jake a wizard or something?

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