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Suddenly...Everything goes silent, wayyy to silent. I hear a few cracks of fire and then a really loud wolf growling sound straight into my ears! It was so loud that my eyes shot shut srongly, trying to press out the pain of the loud growling sound.

It stopped.!

The moment I open my eyes, I see a long line of those crazy cavelike jepsye-monster-creepy-ghost-people. I flinched and then saw those beautiful daggers held across their chests for some kind of stand.

They were quite interesting though. Jake...what on earth are you thinkink, this is a life or death situation and by the looks of it, I think the moment we cane close to the island the death one was chosen for your faith! WAIT...shut up and listen Jake...what was that??

I saw a figure stand at the end of the line, it was way to dark to see what the person looked like or thing for all I know. It took a few steps closer and I noticed that it was a person with a fluffy cloak. The person started to walk down the line and started to hold their chin high, the face shape and long hair made me see that is was a girl. Shoot!!! What if it's that girl skeleton thing from earlier, it must be because she looked like the leader there and here while her body is the same shape or well...what I can see from.

The Daggers

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The Daggers

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Crystal's Tiger Face

Crystal's Cloak

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Crystal's Cloak


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I couldn't see her natural face again, she had some kind of paint on her face again but this time it was a tiger's face on her face.

This looks so cool, wait if they don't kill me and let me leave I'm gonna ask them to teach me some art! Shut up Jake, you should concentrate now and never think of this stuff.


I had Mason tie all the humans up against the torture pillars for his punishment for failing.

I have to be hard on them. What if something happens to me and they are in danger or if I'm to busy protecting what I can and someone gets a chance to kill one of them!? I have had enough pain in my lifetime.

I fixed my cloak to take my mind of things and it really isn't hard to control emotions. When I was young, my mother and father had kept teaching me how to fight and keep my emotions in tact. I never had an ordinary childhood, for my birthdays I would spend the day fighting our own army to prove my worthy to my mother and father.

I finally got to the human, he had a face full of fear. I looked him dead in the eye for a long time, every passing second I could see in his eyes, more fear reaching.

Finally I slid my hood of my cloak down to my neck. Now the human had a face a person has the last moment before death.

"My name is Crystal, I do no longer have a surname. Behind me are my strongest tribe warriors, before you think they are here to guard me for protection from you, they are beckoned to make sure that I do not kill you all in short time. My tribe call me Star, the name is much of a meaning like your well known 'Queen'. I would prefer if you call me Star and treat me with respect as I do to you. I own this island, along with the four others surrounding this one. You have not seen the others because they are in an enchantment witch I do not have time to explain to you. Before you see strange things and ask all too many questions...yes werewolves exist...yes vampires exist...yes fairies exist...yes mermaids exist...yes super humans and magical plants and crestures exist all well in species numbers. Now...What is your business on this island?", I cept my composure very well and watched their confused faces. The human who was with the leader human looked at the leader human and nodded.

"We came to look for eny new land we could use to keep born warriors and take care of them so they could grow strong, well and safe. It never was our ententions to harm or disturb you and your people...We-", I catched the dagger that head past my shoulder and pressed it against his throat while I held his shoulder and made my eyes glow a very bright blue before he could continue explaining.

I read his thoughts to be sure.

Wow...I never had a girl this close to me before. Why is she doing this, I mean I am telling the truth...Maby she just had a bad day. Dude you should make her smile, she might then ease out or something. How the hell does she have fast reactions like that or so strong and...SCARY!!

His thoughts were strange. I let go of him and he was about to say something.

"You have no right to speak without me telling you to! I never smile, no matter what you do I will never smile! I train, that's how I can do all this. I can read your thoughts if I touch you, seems you are truthful. I will allow you to stay here for 20 nights, then you are gone!" They all had wide eyes and stared at me blankly.

Just when I was on my way to turn and walk, the leader spoke up.

"My name is Jake and my surname is Kastrel...the person next to me, he is my second command, his name is Michael and his surname is Martins, I would actually feel respected if you would cut these ropes and if that is done I would like everyone to entroduce each other and interact if you are fine with that?" He looked as if he tried his best not to disrespect me but he had already did without knowing.

"I do not mind entroductions, I do how ever not approve of the idea of interactions...Your place here is to call me 'Your Star' or 'Star', what suites the sentence and never 'You'. I will have the ropes cut and we will give you information witch you may not share or disrespect. If you do, you will die! We can teach you what you need to know and we will home you. My tribe sees generosity from what I did to you if they compare what they have lived...Do not try and do things you will fail in and always obbay what we tell you, If you have questions ALWAYS come forth to me. I will not answer questions now. We will feed you and provide sleep space. Tomorrow early, while still dark, we will be moving.", with that I was making my way to my tree home.

Crystal's Treehouse

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Crystal's Treehouse

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