1-Wait, What?

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Katie had big things awaiting her and she didn't want them. She knew had a bright mind, better then most, and quick eyes. When the invitation came, it really wasn't questionable until she arrived. She should have questioned it sooner.

Katie was welcomed into the mansion with a smile that she didn't trust. Her mother said that everything should be alright. The invitation was legit in her eyes. The only thing that made Katie confused was how during the entire time she followed the white-haired lady, she never saw another soul. She was escorted to a room with a cylinder machine, big enough for someone to step into. The front seemed to have only glass that slid open and  a diamond shaped light in the middle of the inside. The light traveled around it in questionable patterns. 

"Katie Holt. You have been tested and now will receive the honor of saving my realm with four others," the lady said and pushed Katie into the pod-like machine. The floor underneath her started lowering. The woman smiled as Katie disappeared with the light turning Green as she did. "See you there!" the woman called and Katie heard her heels click away.

Katie had heard about a organization that was searching for individuals to go to another realm, but she didn't expect the choosing to go like that. Everyone was required to take the test by the organization and Katie didn't even try. How the heck was she one of the chosen? The ground beneath her opened up and she screamed in fright. She was dropped into a void. 

She hit something that slowed her descent, though it caused her no pain. She soon fell into the arms of someone. She furrowed her brows and opened her eyes. A man with black hair and a white streak looked down at her. She climbed out of his arms and  looked around. The place seemed to be a cathedral large enough to cover a field. She turned around in circles, soaking the place in.

"Where the actual Voltron am I? Who are you!" She shouted, confusion taking over her as she gripped the man's shirt. "Why am I not home with my mother watching some stupid reality show!? Where in the world am I even!?"

The man patted her shoulder and she let go. "Well, I'm assuming you are Katie Holt. I am Takashi Shirogane, please call me Shiro, and you are going to help me with saving my world. That test you took - it proved that it is your fate to help us save this realm from the dark forces that are devouring it. You, me, the woman who lead you here, and the other three who passed. You are the first to arrive." he explained.

"Well of course I am, I always arrive early, but not too early," Katie said, examining the man with caution. He just stood there staring at her with nonchalance. They heard a scream and a teen dropped out of the sky like she had. "Ow, that had to hurt," she said.

The teen stood and cursed in Spanish. "What the heck!? Why am I here? Where is that hot lady!?" he shouted, pouting. Shiro sighed and explained to the teen.

"Do I have to explain to everyone?" Shiro asked looked at the skeptical Katie. She nodded and walked around, looked at every detail. It looked like a run down version of a church where one would marry at, but something was different. It wasn't covered with christian related beliefs or pictures in the stained glass. The sun's rays entered the otherwise dim cathedral through the glass ceiling. 

Another guy fell from the air with ear-piercing shrieks. He landed on top of a bench and screeched like a banshee. He shot up and looked around. "Katie!" he called and she smiled. It was nice to see her best friend here. 

"Hello Keith, welcome to another gawsh dang world!" she hollered, lifting her arms to motion the area they stood in. He laughed and went over to her. He engulfed her in a hug just as another guy came in with a scream. He fell onto the guy with brown hair and darker skin. The new one jumped up and looked around in confusion. He saw Keith and her then backed away. He bumped into Shiro and the ground underneath him cracked.

With a gasp he jumped forward. "I'm Hunk, nice to meet you," he said, not bothering with asking where he was. The brunette stood with the help of Keith and dusted himself off. Hunk shifted nervous eyes between the four of them, looking in the same order. Lance, Kieth, Katie, then Shiro.

"Welcome to Altea, the place you'll help me-," Shiro was caught off by the white-haired woman falling into his hands, "-and Allura save." The three watched him let the girl down. They remained silenced as a roar was let out. Hunk shrieked and so did the latino. They clutched each other like scared kittens.

Shiro whipped out a black stained sword and readied for an attack. Katie prepared to use the only the she had. He ability to have nature listen to her every demand. A giant flying fox with wings crashed in from the ceiling, sending glass everywhere. "Shield!" she called and the small Elephant Ear that was growing from a crack grew and stretched above them. The creature hit the leaf and fell to the ground. 

Shiro took the chance to attack. Keith resumed his spot by her side, a fire whip in hand. They were known as "specials." Specials, once learned of, began to be experimented on to learn how they worked and earned their power. Keith and Katie met in one of these institutions. It was their scars they carried. 

They were always different, but as they fought that creature together, learning that the others had abilities like them, she didn't feel like an outsider anymore. The fox fell with the impairment of  Shiro's shadow sword. The latino let the water he took return to the dirt and Hunk dropped the small rocks he'd picked up. She'd found them: the last specials.

The power to command, to conjure, to control, to listen, to see, and the power to embody. Specials had been dying out due to the harsh experiments, and a prophecy was released a one able to see. That there would be six Specials left and they would do amazing things in another realm. This was her fate. 

Whatever this man wanted, Katie would listen to. He was one of them, even if he was from another realm. He proved himself. During the battle, the others didn't notice, but she did. He had stopped the fox from attacking them and kept its focus on himself. He was fully ready to sacrifice himself for the strangers that were fated to save his world. 

"So... where were we?" Shiro asked, turning back to the group. Katie smiled.

"You were recruiting us."

Yeah, I did that. Welp now I have two Shidge/Klance books, one Jamilton, and one original (that is not published yet.) I will get through this lolol.

-ThatOneServant out!

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