14- A Big Discussion

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The morning came and Katie was the first one up. She thought about what happened yesterday. It was an eventful day and now Katie had a buttload of stuff to tell the others. She walked out of her room and began to wake them all up so they could gather.

She earned tons of negative responses, but they knew not to anger her in the morning. During her first few days staying with them, Allura had tried waking Katie up for an early start. Wrong move. Katie doesn't remember it, but apparently she knocked Allura out in one attack before settling down and sleeping again.

They've been afraid to anger her since, much less wake her up earlier then she wants. After they gathered in the living room, Katie made the announcement. "We're switching plans. Keith will be trying to gain Lotor's trust, wearing him down. Another thing, Lance can we talk in private. It's about your lion cub," Katie said, trying to knock everything out in one go.

"What did Sapphire do? Eat your shoe? Nom on your hair?" Lance asked, brows furrowed in thought. She was doubting that the conversation with her knife ever happened. Lance raised a brow at her silence after they arrived in a corner.

She made sure that no one can listen. "Has she spoken to you yet?" she said. Lance was surprised by her question.

"How do you know...," he trailed off. Katie pulled out the knife, blocked from the view of the others. Lance looked at it with sudden realization.

"I was contacted by the lion in this blade and they said there's a dagger in your lion and that Sapphire can... talk," Katie said, trying to sound as sane as possible. She was failing at that. "Allura can retrieve both. Oh, one more thing: Keith also has a knife with a lion. I assume their are more." 

Lance stared at her for a while with wide eyes. "So I'm not crazy!" he shouted. Katie shushed him. She turned and saw everyone had their eyes on them. 

Rolling her eyes, she turned back to him. "Anyway, I need you to talk to Keith while I talk to Allura. Maybe this can help us when we get in the Castle," Katie whispered, slapping his arm. "Just get him to agree and rub the blade if he hasn't already."

Lance laughed. "He probably has. That knife of his is like a baby to him. He cuddles it at night," Lance confessed then muttered something Katie couldn't catch. She did hear the word 'wish' though. 

She left him to rejoin the group. She wouldn't approach Allura until Keith agrees to get Allura's help. 

Keith watched as Katie approached them. "Sorry about that, Lance needs to control his pet," she said, low enough so Lance couldn't hear from where he still stood. After a moment he came over and joined the group. He looked slightly agitated. 

"Uh, um, Keith can we talk about something?" he asked, rubbing the back of the neck. Keith raised an eyebrow, but followed him nevertheless, leaving behind Katie to talk to the others.

"What is this about? If its about Sapphire sleeping in the bed, I've already said-," Keith started but was cut off by Lance reaching into Keith's back pocket. "What-" Lance took his blade and it turned blue. He examined it.

"Did you lion speak yet?" Lance questioned, playing with the blade. Keith tried to retrieve his blade back, but the brunette wouldn't allow him to get it again. Suddenly the blade turned a darker color and Lance dropped it as if it was on fire. "Ouch! That's hot! Hot! Hot!"

Keith retrieved it cautiously, but was surprised to find that it was was as cold as ever. Lance looked at the male with disbelief. "Yes, my lion's spoke to me... How did you know? Was that what you and Katie were really talking about?" Keith asked. 

Lance showed discomfort. "You're amazing...," he whispered. Keith was taken aback by that. "You figured that out so fast... I would've never been able to do that." Lance looked a little sad. Keith didn't like that. Lance was usually a carefree guy -- a freelancer. 

This was not the Lance he's seen for weeks. "I only figured that out because I saw Katie talking to her blade. I'm not smart. I just put the pieces together. Don't let yourself be down because of something you can't do," Keith said, putting his hand on Lance's shoulder. "There's plenty of things you can do that others can't. There's only one Lance."

Lance's cheeks went pink and Keith smiled, making Lance's blush deeper. "Y-yeah!" Lance cheered before realizing something. "I was supposed to ask you if you wanted Allura to take the lion out of the blade."

Keith thought for a moment. "If it stops the blade from talking to me every time I hold it, I say yes," he answered. Lance nodded and returned to the group, followed by Keith. Lance whispered something to Katie and she nodded before calling Allura to the corner.

"What's with all this secrecy?" Matt asked, staring at where Allura and Katie talked. It looked serious. "My sister and girlfriend. How bad am I that they don't want me knowing?" 

He earned a look from the rest of the group that read, 'what do you think?' Matt crossed his arms and sat on the couch. Shiro looked over to his cousin and Katie once more before turning to Lance.

"Surely you know what this is about. Keith, you too," he said as the others leaned in, wanting to know too. Shiro was right, they did know, but if Katie kept it from them, there was a reason.

"No idea. Katie pulled me over to tell me that Sapphire did something, so I asked Keith if he opened the door. We keep it closed so she doesn't wander," Lance said and Keith backed him up by nodding. "I don't see what either has to do with Allura, so it is obviously not the same topic."

The others slumped in disappointment. Keith laughed. "What did you think it was? That Lotor's generals are watching us and that they are threatening the few of us?" he asked, speaking of the impossible. Oh, how he was wrong.

Well I did stuff. OH BUT I BABYSAT TODAY AND AWWWWEEE SHE'S SO CUTE!! I have to do the same tomorrow ;;;;;

-ThatOneServant, the super babysitter, out!! (why did that sound like a superhero line?)

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