18- A Loss Unnecessary

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She had been waiting in the cell for only a few minutes when Lotor and Keith approached. Katie spat at their feet. Lotor looked completely disgusted while Keith stifled a laugh. "You are quite disgusting. No doubt you were raised to be a farmhand," Lotor whispered to himself.

"What was that, my lord?" Katie asked, spitting the last two words out like peanuts. God, she hated peanuts, but not peanut butter. Oh, how she missed peanut butter. Lotor didn't say a word, only motioned for Keith to unlock her cell.

The two stepped in and Keith ceased her by her arms. Without warning, the two dragged her down the halls. She looked to Keith for answers, but he was busy keeping his facade up to notice her confused expression and need for answers. 

Maybe she didn't need answers. This was her being taken to Lotor's realm alternator... or whatever he decided to call it. "I'm about to share a top secret project. I'm showing you, Keith, because even my generals, who've been keeping tabs on you, trust you. I'm bringing this Pidge Gunderson there because she'll be my test subject," Lotor revealed. 

Pidge felt Keith tense. "Relax, " she mouthed. Keith then relaxed a little, but still was wary. Lotor stopped in front of a looming door and they stopped behind him. "So I'm you little pet, tossed around like a pebble? Am I simply only of use in this regard?" she asked the king. He chuckled.

"I suspected you'd falter at the door, but don't worry. It'll hurt none. All I have to see is if it'll send you to another realm," he said, laughing by time he finished. "I honestly wish you no harm, but I needed someway to test it, so I thought 'why not a revolter?'" Katie snorted and looked at him with boiling hatred.

"I see, you're an idiot! I was wondering for a while. I knew you were either a wicked genius or a complete idiot. Glad I know which now," she said, smiling at him with mockery. He flipped his hair off his shoulder and placed a hand on his hip.

"Why, I'm glad too. I may be an idiot, but no one can match my devilishly good looks and perfect personality!" he said, mocking Katie's mockery. Oh, was he going there? He totally is! Katie was going to rise to this challenge!

Katie laughed at him. "Well I'll admit that your personality is something special, I wouldn't say in a good way. Your looks can never match many I know," she retorted, opening the door. She peered inside only to realize that the whole room was empty. "What the Pidge!?"

"You say your own name with that phrase? So I'm just gonna go 'what the Lotor!' from now on to mock you," Lotor said, raising an eyebrow. Katie glared at him and stomped on his foot. He yelped.

"You can't judge my choice on words and I won't judge your choice of attitude," she hissed, stepping in further, no longer held by Keith. "What is this place? How is this going to get me to another realm? It's a white room!" Lotor ruffled her hair as an older brother would and looked at her as if she was naive.

"Listen, Pidge Gunderson. It's not what you see, but what you can't see that matters. This room has tons of quintessence stored in every corner; every crack; every inch of air. With the right magic, anything can happen," he explained. 

"Where will you get that magic from?" she asked, curious at what was happening. Lotor walked to a wall and placed a hand on the blank space. Suddenly a window appeared.

"You see, Gunderson, this place defies logic thanks to magic that was passed onto by my deceased mother. Now, I like you. Your personality, I mean. You are quick witted and are not afraid to bit back at me. You'll be interesting to keep around. If you survive, I'll move your quarters from the wretched cell to a window-less room with tons of guards nearly watching your every move," Lotor offered.

"Why, that sounds worse then the cell!" Katie exclaimed, earning a laugh from the other male. He turned around to face her.

"I had a figure that was just like a sister to me, then she went away. You remind me of her. I like that," Lotor added and for a moment, he looked like a kid who'd remembered a lost loved one. "Now, on to business! Stand in the middle! Keith if she doesn't comply, force her."

Lotor was like Katie. His parents are dead and he lost his sibling figure. Like her and Allura, they could relate. No matter how much the thought disgusted her, it was true. She went to the middle and looked directly at Lotor.

"You know... you and I are more similar then you'd think. I hate to say it, but I understand some of your pain," she said. She didn't know what kind of look she was giving him, but inside she felt pity. Unadulterated pity. 

She heard a crash outside the room and the door flew open just has Lotor raised a hand to her forehead. Lance and Shiro came crashing in. "How the-" Keith shouted, backing up into Lotor. The two toppled over onto Katie and hit the ground with a thud.

"Ow!" Katie yelped as she pushed the two off her. "Why are you here?" Shiro looked up and saw her and his face flooded with relief. Lance saw Keith and fell to his knees in a relaxed fashion.

"You said you were going to the market! I was confused! What were you planning! Hunk told me something bad was going to happen to you," Lance confessed. Keith put a hand on his shoulder and looked at the ground.

"Sorry for worrying you, Lance," Keith whispered and the two hugged it out. Lotor stood awkwardly to the side, staring directly at Shiro.

"You! Shiro! What brings you back here? I thought  you and your foolish sister were banished!" Lotor called, not showing and anger, just sadness. "You know what you two did!" Shiro looked at him with furrowed brows.

"What were you going to do to her?" he asked, wrapping an arm around Katie. For a moment Katie was frozen, unable to comprehend. Shiro seemed angry at her, yet he instantly swooped in to protect her.

YES SHIPPING TIME!!! Lotor is not actually the bad guy ;p You'll learn what I mean next time with the reveal! 

-ThatOneServant, the helpless author, out!!!

A Space In-Between (Shidge/Klance AU)Where stories live. Discover now