Chapter 1 Who are you? What is a Vulcan?

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The time has come for your first day on the USS Enterprise. You felt a sense of excitement and willingness to get started.You knew you weren't going to see your  parents for a while so you decided to spend some time with them before leaving. Once you got to the house, they said they had something important to tell you. You sat on the familiar tan sofa in the living room. This certainly had a not so happy vibe to it.Your parents sat on both sides of you, "Sweetheart before you go off into the big galaxy. There's something you should know" your mother said. What possibly could they tell you beside to be careful? You nodded, " You are actually adopted" she said. You were adopted? Well that would makes sense why I have psychic abilities...sort of. But even if they're not your real parents,  you still loved them and always thought of them as such. You looked at both of them. Your mother continued, " Me and your father saved you from some dangerous criminals when you were a baby" she told you. You were just more confused, "Criminals? What exactly happened?" you asked desperate to know. Dad sat up tall," This happened a year after your mother and I got married. We were on a walk at night and we heard screaming. We went to see what was wrong and two masked men were running away with a baby in their hands. I figure this wasn't right so I intercepted to save the child. Thankfully I remember all those self defense classes I took as a hobby. Anyways,that baby was you. After knocking them out, we ran into the house the men just came out of  only find a man and a woman dead. So after reporting the incident we adopted you. We somehow felt like we owed it to you in a way. But as you grew, your powers started to emerge. We did the best we could to teach you and I guess it turned out ok, thanks to mom and her yoga techniques" he told me. You were silent.This was certainly a lot to take in. So you were almost kidnapped as a child from what it seems. But for what reason? Could it have been for my psychic powers? Did these criminals know? Well you couldn't get any answers if your real parents were dead. But someday you hoped to find out.There must be some answers out there,somewhere. "Are you alright sweetie?" your mother asked. You nodded, "Yea, It's just a bit to process. But it won't help to worry about it. There's not much I can find out if they're dead" you said trying to keep it together. You were really curious now. One thing you were good out was researching. Which was why you wanted to join the science department  in the first place. After some more talking about other matters, you decided it was best that you should leave for work. You had your first day on the job.  You need to focus.You changed into my blue Starfleet uniform and made way to the USS Enterprise's loading station.

There it was looming above you quietly, the USS Enterprise. You've only been on simulators during training but this will be your first time being on a real space ship. You were sure you would be ok as long as you kept calm. Hopefully, the crew treats you fairly. You suddenly were greeted by a blonde woman who was also on her way to board the ship , she said her name was Carol Marcus and that she was also another  science officer aboard the Enterprise. You told her that you were the new trainee and she offered to introduce you to the captain. The captain you heard some things about captain Kirk, but never met him or actually have seen him before.You followed Carol onto the ship where she led you to the bridge. The USS Enterprise was certainly a sight to see. Its just like you imagined, well more like you saw in the simulators. Everyone you saw seemed busy, probably getting ready for take off. In the middle of the room were two men. One was sitting in the captain's chair. He was blonde, had blue eyes and wore a yellow Starfleet uniform. The other man was taller, had short black hair, brown eyes and wore a blue uniform. But he had pointed ears and distinctly shaped eyebrows. Another race? "Captain. Commander", Carol politely interrupted "The new trainee has just arrived" she said. The man in the Captain's chair stood up to greet me, "You must be (Y\N) . I'm the Captain of this ship,James Kirk" he said holding out his hand. Well Kirk was certainly handsome like every girl said he was. You shook his hand politely, "This is my commander Spock" the captain continued. You felt a little awkward looking at Spock for some reason. It's not like you haven't seen other alien races before. Perhaps it was his serious demeanor."It is my pleasure Miss (Y\N)", Spock greeted. Well he's quite the gentleman. You blushed a bit, "Thank you captain for letting me work on your ship" you told him respectfully. "No problem. You'll be stationed with Carol. She'll teach you how things run around here" Kirk said. You and  Carol nodded, "Yes Captain" you said in unison. The Captian dismissed you both and Carol walked you to her station and sat you down to show you where everything was. Once settled, you were a bit curious to ask her about the captain and commander, "So what's the captain like?" you asked. Carol smiled, "He's a good guy. A little sarcastic at times but a good leader" she told me. I cleared my throat a bit, "And the commander?" you said a bit careful. "He's a bit on the quiet side but also a good guy. No need to worry" She answered. Glad to hear they're not demanding, "One more thing Carol?" you said. She looked at you, "Not to be rude, but what race is the commander?" you asked. You didn't understand why this bothered you so much. She gave you a gentle smile, "It's quite alright. He's Vulcan. There're actually not many around these days" she told you.  So a Vulcan? You've may have heard some things here and there about them. Especially what happened to planet Vulcan and the rebuilding of the new planet. Though it would take some time for the rebuilding of the race. Maybe if you ever find yourself with some free time, you'll do some research. Something just seems....familiar.

A\N I apologize if the chapters are a bit short. I did write this some time ago and have now decided to post it.

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