Chapter 11 On Planet Sekhmet

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You, the Captain, and the Commander suited up and headed to the transporting room. You couldn't believe you agreed to go. But you couldn't back out now. Just suck it up and go. You stood on the transporter with the Captain and Commander. The lead engineer, Scotty, was having a brief conversation with Captain Kirk. "There is no need to worry Miss (Y\N), The Captain and I will keep you safe if anything dangerous occurs", Commander Spock told you. Good to know you were protected. Though, bad to know that you'd likely run into danger. Highly Likely.

"Are the two of you ready?", the Captain asked. Not like you could say yes, because you weren't ever going to be exactly ready for this experience. Thankfully the Commander answered for you, "Yes Captain. Miss (Y\N) and I are ready for dispatch" he said. The Captain nodded, "Good. Alright Scotty, beam us down", the Captain gave the command. Here we go.

Before you could blink, you were teleported down onto the surface of the planet. As soon as your feet felt the ground, you automatically felt the dry heat hit you. Sure it was hot, but dry heat beats humid heat any stardate. The three of you looked around. The scenery was mostly dry dirt with little plant life. But as you looked towards the water, far off to the right, you could see the plant life flourish and become dense. "This is probably the closet we'll ever get to anything similar to Earth" the Captain commented "Though, we should find some shade before we over heat" he suggested. To you it wasn't that hot. It was weird. Usually you feel heat very quickly, maybe it has to do with your alert state. You had no time to complain about the heat when you were on a mission. But some relief under a shade would be refreshing. "We should also find some cover. We don't know exactly how far we are from the civilization here", Spock said. It wouldn't be a good idea to get into any fights. "How about we head towards the thicket of vegetation towards the nearby water source. It would provide good coverage and be a lot cooler over by the water. If that's what it is" you pointed in the direction. The captain looked the way you were directing him, "Sounds like a good idea. Let's make haste. The quicker we move the more likely we stay hidden" he said leading the group.

The three of you made you way towards the water source. The vegetation become thick and tall. One of them reached a foot over your head, while the other plants planted themselves on the ground. You could still feel the heat from their sun, but the fan like leaves of the taller plants provided some coverage that made the heat more bearable. You moved through the plants until you were all well-hidden. "These things sure are tough. Kinda reminds me of bamboo", the Captain said. "They do feel thicker than the papyrus back on Earth. Maybe it's a similar plant", you observed. "Papyrus aside, we need to come up with our next objective. The team that came down here before us said that the heat really prevented them from exploring. So we need to find a way to keep the heat off us or we wait until evening. Although bad things always comes with night time", the Captain explained. The heat here wasn't so extreme that we needed full on body suits, but we wouldn't want to risk getting heat stroke or sun burn. The Captain was the one who was really feeling it, while you and the Commander were a little more resistant. "How about we use these plants like umbrellas. We can use these 'papyrus' as the sturdy handle and we can use the plants with the bigger broader leaves as the umbrella" you said putting the idea together. "Fascinating concept Miss (Y\N)", Spock complemented "Would you mind showing the Captain and I how to make it?" Spock asked. You hoped your idea was as sturdy as the papyrus. If you fail than, well it can't be helped. But you were going to try your best. Taking a pocket knife from your pocket, you cut one of the tall papyrus plants. You cut the top half to match your size. The smaller it is, the less it will draw attention. After, you took some of the bigger leaves that came from the plants closer to the ground. The leaves were as big as your torso. A few of them tied together should make for good coverage. "How exactly do you plan to tie the leaves to the base?", asked the Captain. You knew exactly how. "You see Captain. Commander. That not only was the papyrus plant used as paper to write on, it was also used as a type of natural rope because of its strong fibers" you told them as you cut into one of the other papyrus stalks, peeling off a strong thin line of fiber. You took the fibrous rope and fastened the bigger leaves to the top of the umbrella base. You made sure it was tied nice and tight. You showed your creation to the Captain and Commander, "Plant umbrella" you showed them. You gave the umbrella to the captain, before starting on the next two umbrellas. "And you thought you wouldn't be helpful. You certainly showed your Egyptian knowledge and sense of creativity" the Captain told you. You could feel your face blush, "Thank you Captain. It's only natural to use your knowledge for survival on an unfamiliar planet", you said. You were happy inside that you were able to help. Looks like you really did know your Egyptian plants. But what other similar species did this plants have with Earth's Egypt?

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